August 17, 2021 at 5:00 PM - Public Works Committee Meeting
Minutes |
1. Open Meeting
2. Roll Call
3. Items of Business
3.A. Review and consider a recommendation to the City Council on the quote from Nutri-Ject for Digester Cleaning, Removal and Land Application of Bio-solids at the WWTP for a total cost of $80,640.00 based on 17 feet of solids in both digesters.
3.B. Review and consider a recommendation to the City Council on the Project Manual, Drawings and Estimate from Gilmore & Associates for overlaying Linden Avenue (13th Street to 14th Street) and 12th Street.(Linden Avenue to Hawthorne Avenue).
3.C. Discuss and consider a recommendation for the City Council setting a street name for former County Road 2400.
3.D. Discuss the disposition of the City Farm Property located in Section 28-8-4.
4. Officers' Reports
5. Adjournment