August 31, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Crete City Council Special Meeting
Minutes |
1. Open Meeting
2. Roll Call
3. Items of Business
3.A. Working session to review department budgets.
3.A.1. Police Department
Police Chief Steve Hensel informed the council of the police budget, which includes the operations, code enforcement, and 911 dispatch budgets.
3.A.2. Fire Department
Clerk-Treasurer Jerry Wilcox spoke on the Fire Department budget. This included the operations, ambulance and rescue, and equipment.
3.A.3. Library
Library Director Joy Stevenson spoke briefly about the operations and donations budgets for the Library as not a lot has changed from last year's budget.
3.A.4. General Funds
Clerk-Treasurer Jerry Wilcox walked the Council through the General Funds budget. He went over the general budget and also touched on the sales tax, keno, bonds, insurance contingency, and reserve budgets. Wilcox acknowledged any big changes to these budgets.
3.A.5. Public Works
City Administrator Tom Ourada mentioned changes in the Street budget and the City Hall budget. The City Hall budget went over due to monitors, high speed access points, and pricey elevator repairs. Ourada also gave a brief overview of the Community Center, Community Room, Storm Shelter, Transfer Station, Landfill Reserve, Pool, and Cemetery budgets. Other than City Hall, there were not many changes to discuss with the Public Works budget.
3.A.6. Recreation
City Administrator Tom Ourada and the Council discussed how the schools will be taking over some of the sports programs and how that changed the Recreation budget. No other big changes to note for the Recreation budget or the Pool budget.
3.A.7. Utilities
City Administrator Tom Ourada informed the Council of big ticket items added to this year's budget for Electric, Water, and Sewer assets. These higher priced items included; construction projects, engineering for the substation, system transformers, and an electric vehicle. Ourada also mentioned that the ARPA funds we receive could make a huge impact on what was budgeted for the Utility funds.
3.A.8. Miscellaneous Funds
City Administrator Tom Ourada presented a quick run-through of the Miscellaneous Funds budget to the Council. The Miscellaneous Funds, which are Capital Outlay, Capital Improvement, FEMA, ARPA, Economic Development, TIF, CCCFF, Housing and the Downtown Revitalization budgets, did not undergo many changes from last year's budgets. Ourada stated that the budget looks balanced, conservative, will meet our City's needs, and there will still be flexibility to do things we want to do in all departments.
4. Adjournment