December 15, 2021 at 8:15 AM - Airport Authority Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Open Meeting
2. Roll Call
3. Petitions - Communications - Citizen Concerns
4. Items of Business
4.A. Review and discuss requirements for 3rd party hangars to be built on City property.
Different ideas on 3rd party hangar requirements were discussed. Chairperson Blaine Spanjer recommended updating the committees and then having the Lease Committee draw up a draft of the rates and requirements to review for next month's meeting.
4.B. Review and discuss Capital Improvements Plans.
Doing the parallel taxiway as the project for the 3 year plan and building a hangar for the 6 year plan were discussed. Committee member Howard Nitzel will work with Chris Corr of Olsson to get the plans updated for approval at the next meeting.
4.C. Review and update committees.
Authority member Howard Nitzel put a few committees together that need two people for each one. The AIP (Airport Improvement Plans) Committee will be Anthony Fitzgerald and Greg Hier. The Lease Committee will be Kirk Keller and Howard Nitzel. The Facility Committee will be Howard Nitzel and Greg Hier. Chairperson Spanjer will review and give input on committee agendas.
5. Officers' Reports
5.A. Airport Manager Report
Shaun reported changes to hangar occupants. He also reported that the new fueling system is operational and the snow equipment is ready.
Representatives from Emrich Spraying Services were on hand to discuss the possibilities of building a corporate hangar on the Crete Municipal Airport. They have looked at other locations, but are interested in the future improvements planned at the Crete Airport and are very satisfied with the work they have had the FBO do for them. They would base their spraying services from the facility, hoping to be able to utilize more days during the season with a concrete runway. A draft copy of some requirements for building on city property was provided. More information should be available at the next meeting.
5.B. Authority Chair and Member Reports
Authority member Howard Nitzel mentioned the fascia and shingles on the helicopter hangar needing repaired. An update was given on hangar vacancies, payments being current, and missing updated insurance from a few tenants.
6. Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6.A. Approve Meeting Minutes
6.B. Accept the City Treasurer's Report
6.C. Approve the Payment of Claims Against the Airport Authority
7. Adjournment