December 6, 2022 at 5:00 PM - Finance Committee Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Open Meeting
2. Roll Call
3. Items of Business
3.A. Provide a recommendation to the City Council on a quote from the League Insurance Government Health Team (LIGHT) for employee health insurance. Representatives from Benefit Management will be present to discuss.
Dan Duren with Benefit Management was present and gave a brief overview of the League Insurance Group Health Team (LIGHT) program through the League of Nebraska Municipalities. It provides the same BlueCrossBlueShield coverage as the City's current plan, but is part of an interlocal agreement with other municipalities that is beneficial for the City. LIGHT is offering an 8.4% reduction of our current rates until the renewal in July. The interlocal agreement allows for the restricted funds spent on health insurance to be considered an exception to the lid limit when it comes budget time. Duren stated that implementation would have to be immediate for the January 1 term.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3.B. Consider a recommendation to the City Council approving Resolution 2022-14; A resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an interlocal agreement and membership agreement with the League Insurance Government Health Team (LIGHT)
As discussed in the previous agenda item, the interlocal agreement will provide benefits for the City with budget compliance as well as the health insurance rates.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4. Officers' Reports
5. Adjournment