January 20, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Crete City Council Regular Meeting
Minutes | |||
1. Open Meeting
The City Council has posted a copy of the Open Meetings Act, Laws of the State of Nebraska, in the back of the council chambers. Additional copies are available to read, if anyone wishes one during this meeting, please advise. |
2. Roll Call
Attendance of Council members will be recorded to determine the presence of a quorum for official actions. |
3. Petitions - Communications - Citizen Concern
No action can be taken by the council on matters presented under this title except to answer any question posed and/or to refer the matter for further action. Testimony may be limited to 3 minutes per person. Please do not repeat testimony that has already be heard. |
4. Special Order of Business
The council may take action to hear testimony in favor of or in opposition to, discuss/limit discussion and take action to approve or disapprove any matter presented under this title. |
4.A. Public Hearing 6:00 PM - Fireworks
A public hearing for the purpose of hearing support, opposition, criticism, suggestions or observations of citizens relating to the proposed changes to the days allowed for selling and discharging fireworks (Ordinances are on the agenda to make any changes)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.B. Olsson Associates Agreement Amendment
The Public Works Committee has reviewed an amendment to delete the new substation from the scope of services agreement
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.C. Windstream ROW Request
Windstream is requesting permission to do work in the City ROW
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.D. Iris Avenue - School Intersection
The Public Works Committee has reviewed plans for school intersection on Iris Avenue
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
5. Resolutions & Ordinances
The Council may take action to hear testimony in favor of or opposition to, discuss/limit discussion and take action to approve or disapprove any matter presented under this title. The Council may take action to waive the statutory rule requiring reading on three separate dates on any ordinance being considered. The Council may take action to pass and approve any matter presented under this title. |
5.A. Ordinance 1899 - Fireworks Sales
An ordinance allowing for expanded sales days of fireworks within the City of Crete
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
5.B. Ordinance 1903 Discharge of Fireworks
An ordinance to expand the days of fireworks discharge
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
5.C. Ordinance 1922 BANs
An ordinance authorizing the issue of $870,000 in BANs to do street improvement districts 2014-1 through 2014-6
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6. Officers' Reports
Reports may be given by Department Heads, Committees and Council members concerning current operations of the City. Questions may be asked and answered. No action can be taken by the Council on matters presented under this title except to answer any question posed and to refer the matter for further action.
Lisa - furnace repairs, roof is leaking
Dan - Tree and brush cleaning - maintenance
winter programs - community service
Max - business as usual
Steve - Gary coffee with a cop
Tom - fountain done -
13th st phase II best in state
MEAN meeting in North Platte on Wednesday, thursday
Jack - p&r dog park fence in February - sign in next couple weeks - big check presentation
need to decide on fountain
Jerry - Audits
Roger - Closed session
7. Consent Agenda
Council will consider approval of the following items. Explanation may occur for each item and the council may approve and or amend and approve the items listed.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.A. City Council Meeting Minutes
7.A.1. January 6, 2015
7.B. City Council Committee Meeting Minutes
7.B.1. December 30, 2014 Public Works
7.B.2. January 6, 2015 Parks and Recreation
7.B.3. January 13, 2015 Finance
7.C. City Treasurer's Report
7.D. Claims Against the City
8. Adjournment
The city council will review the above matters and take such actions as they deem appropriate. The city council may enter into closed session to discuss any matter on this agenda when it is determined by the council that it is clearly necessary for protection of the public interest or the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual and if such and individual has not requested a public meeting, or as otherwise allowed by law. Any closed session shall be limited to the subject matter for which the closed session was called. If the motion to close passes, then the presiding officer immediately prior to the closed session shall restate on the record the limitation of the subject matter of the closed session.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.