June 20, 2011 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order. Roll Call.
2. Acknowledgement of Open Meetings Law posting.
3. Recognition of public participation.
4. Visitors and Communications from the Public
5. Approval of changes in the mailed agenda and/or changes in the agenda order.
6. Approval of consent agenda Items
7. Administrators' and Practitioners' Reports
7.1. Ms. Finkey
7.2. Ms. Bray
7.3. Mr. Jacobsen
7.4. Mr. Pease
8. Old Business
8.1. Consideration of request to allow use of Elementary for private before and after school care program.
8.2. Consideration and Action on Student Handbook Changes.
8.3. Update of facility projects
8.4. Consideration and action to approve Master Agreement with the AGEA for all certified staff teaching 1/2 time or more.
8.5. Consideration and action to hire personnel.
8.6. Presentation of draft of 2011-12 Budget and 3-Year Budget plan for the district.
9. New Business
9.1. Consideration and action to approve changes in school meal prices
9.2. Consideration and possible action on extra-duty assignments for 2011-12.
9.3. Consideration and action to approve purchase of pick up truck for the maintenance department and to trade in the 15 passenger vans and Ranger pick up.
9.4. Consideration and action to reappoint Carrie Holz, School District Treasurer.
10. Information Items
10.1. Review of Final Legislative Report for 2011
10.2. EHA Newsletter on Health Insurance
11. Call for the next regular meeting
12. Closed Session
12.1. Closed Session
12.2. Consideration and action to approve contracts for Building Principals and Curriculum Supervisor.
13. Adjournment