March 4, 2013 at 7:30 PM - School Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order. Roll Call.
2. Acknowledge of Open Meetings Law posting.
3. Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Recognitation of public participation
5. Visitors and Communication from the public.
6. Approval of changes in the mailed agenda and/or changes in the agenda order.
7. Administrators' and Practitioners' Reports
7.1. Ms. Finkey
7.2. Ms. Bray
7.3. Mr. Jacobsen
7.4. Dr. Kassebaum
8. New Business
8.1. Discussion and action to approve overnight travel requeswt
8.2. Discussion and action on option enrollment grade level capactities
9. Old Business
9.1. Discussion on heating and air project and reivew of proposals
10. Informational Items
10.1. Back to the basics of School Law Conference - March 12; Downtown Holiday Inn in Lincoln NE
10.2. NASB State Convention: November 20-22, 2013
11. Call for Next Meeting
12. Adjournment.