August 12, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
I. Americanism/ Curriculum Committee Meeting
The Americanism/ Curriculum Committee started at 6:05 p.m. Lori Bartels, Jenny Kreifels, Brian Wichman, and Bob Icenogle were present. Holli covered the Americanism district responsibilities in Statute 79-724 and Rule 10. The committee discussed the collaborative Social Studies project with Ralston, Louisville, and Bennington on talking through development of district standards related to Social Studies standards, and the pros and cons of adding high school credit as an 8th grader. Health and World Language are in the cycle this year as well. Brenda Sherman joined the meeting at 6:24 p.m.
The Americanism committee meeting concluded at 6:30 p.m.
II. Finance Committee Meeting
The Finance Committee started at 6:30 p.m. Finance reports were reviewed by the committee. Discussion of the bills took place. The committee meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
III. Call to Order and Roll Call
A meeting of the Board of Education of Springfield Platteview Community Schools in the County of Sarpy, in the State of Nebraska, was convened in open and public session at 7:00 p.m., Monday, August 12, 2013, at the District Board Office, Central Services Building. Present: Lori Bartels, Kyle Fisher, Bob Icenogle, Jennifer Kreifels, Brenda Sherman, and Brian Wichman. Absent: None.
IV. Notice of Open Meetings Act - Posted
Notice of the meeting and committee meetings were given in advance thereof by posting in at least five public places as shown by the certificate of posting notice attached to these minutes. Notice of this meeting was simultaneously given to all members of the Board of Education, and a copy of their acknowledgment of receipt of notice and the agenda was communicated in the advance notice and in the notice to the Board of Education of this meeting. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public.
Statute 84-1407 to 84-1414 require that the Open Meetings Act be posted in the meeting room. President Sherman informed the board and the public that the Act is located on the west wall of the board room.
V. Consent Agenda
Recommended Motion(s):
Action to approve the Consent Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
V.A. Minutes of the Previous Month's Meetings
V.B. Treasurer's Report
V.C. Statement of Activity Fund Accounts
V.D. Recommendation for Bill Payment
V.E. Open and Option Enrollment Applications
VI. Items From Patrons on Agenda Items
There were no items from patrons on agenda items.
VII. Old Business
VII.A. Facility Improvements/ Possible Bond Discussions
The Board of Education and administration discussed possible facility improvement projects across the district's schools giving input and feedback from the first night of public meetings held on August 8th since last spring.
VII.B. Personal Finance Course Added to Graduation Requirements- 2nd Reading
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Holli Kirwan, Director of Learning and Angela Simpson, Principal of Platteview High School presented a proposed policy to add a personal finance course to graduation requirements for second reading as required by policy.
VIII. New Business
VIII.A. Increase District Spending Lid 2% for 2013-14
Recommended Motion(s):
Action to approve for the fiscal year 2013-14 the access to an additional 2% expenditure exclusion of the 2012/13 Certified General Fund Authority in the amount of $249,811 passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
For school fiscal year 2013-14, schools can access an expenditure exclusion equal to 2% of the 2012/13 Certified General Fund Budget Authority. The total amount allowed for SPCS to access is $249,811. The administration recommended taking advantage of the opportunity given by the legislature this past session to give the district the flexibility within the budget to spend if the Board so chooses.
VIII.B. Parent Transfer Request from Springfield to Westmont
Recommended Motion(s):
Action to approve two attendance area change requests as presented passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Two Springfield families have requested to have their children attend Westmont instead of Springfield due to daycare and transportation issues. The administration recommended the Board approve these transfer requests.
VIII.C. ESU #3 Core Services Levy Fund Purposes
Recommended Motion(s):
Action to approve the ESU #3 core service fund purposes for the 13-14 fiscal year passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
By law, ESU #3 member districts are requested to approve or disapprove the purposes of the Core Service Funds for ESU #3.
VIII.D. ESU #3 Property Tax Levy Fund Purposes
Recommended Motion(s):
Action to approve the ESU #3 property tax levy fund purposes for the 2013-14 school year passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
ESU #3 requests approval or disapproval of the Property Tax Levy Fund Purposes for the 2013-14 school year.
VIII.E. Board Policy Name Change
Recommended Motion(s):
Action to approve the name change in all district policies to "Springfield Platteview Community Schools" passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
All of the district's policies have "South Sarpy #46" as the district's name. The name of the district needs to be updated in the policies to read "Springfield Platteview Community Schools."
IX. Reports
IX.A. Americanism/ Curriculum Committee Report
Lori Bartels reported on the Americanism/Curriculum Committee meeting
IX.B. Performance Index 12-13
Superintendent Richards reported on the 12-13 performance index
IX.C. 2013-14 Budget and Timeline
reviewed the 2013-14 budget summary and timeline,
IX.D. Policy Updates for 2013-14
policy updates from the law firm,
IX.E. 2012-13 Budget- End of Year Bill Pay and Possible Transfers
2012-13 budget, end of year bill pay, and possible transfers,
IX.F. Boundary Issues
boundary issues,
IX.G. LaPlatte Building Update
LaPlatte Building update,
IX.H. Softball Inaugural Game
and the softball inaugural game. Mr. Joekel made comments on the softball program and field maintenance.
IX.I. Preliminary Enrollment 13-14
Richards gave preliminary enrollment figures for 2013-14.
X. Items from Patrons on Items Not on Agenda
There were no items from patron on items not on the agenda.
XI. Advance Planning
Board members reviewed their upcoming schedule of meetings, trainings, and conventions. Significant school calendar items were also discussed.
XII. Adjourn
Recommended Motion(s):
Action to adjourn the meeting at ____ p.m. passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.