November 24, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Work Session
Minutes | |
I. Meeting Roll Call
A meeting of the Board of Education of Springfield Platteview Community Schools in the County of Sarpy, in the State of Nebraska, was convened in open and public session at 7:00 p.m., Monday, November 24, 2014, at the District Board Office, Central Services Building. Present: Lori Bartels, Kyle Fisher, Bob Icenogle, Jennifer Kreifels, Brenda Sherman, and Brian Wichman. Absent: None.
II. Notice of Open Meetings Act - Posted
Notice of the meeting and committee meetings were given in advance thereof by posting in at least five public places as shown by the certificate of posting notice attached to these minutes. Notice of this meeting was simultaneously given to all members of the Board of Education, and a copy of their acknowledgment of receipt of notice and the agenda was communicated in the advance notice and in the notice to the Board of Education of this meeting. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public.
Statute 84-1407 to 84-1414 require that the Open Meetings Act be posted in the meeting room. President Sherman informed the board and the public that the Act is located on the west wall of the board room.
III. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
IV. Items for Discussion (Discussion Only)
IV.A. PHS Planning
Holli Kirwan, Director of Learning and Angela Simpson, PHS Principal discussed options being considered by the administration and department leaders to improve on meeting our goal of becoming a strong college prep high school.
IV.B. Audit Report 13-14
The Board discussed the 2013-14 audit report received from Dana F. Cole & Company audit firm. There were only two findings this year. One, that the district doesn't have an accountant, and the other had to do with overspending the Bond fund budget by just over $5,000.
IV.C. La Platte Building Process for Sale
The board discussed the process for the sale of the La Platte building. An appraisal by First Property Management on a commercial building is between $3-$4,000 . Steve Williams, has said he is willing to set up a process for the district to put the La Platte building up for sale. Superintendent Richards will check back with Cornerstone Christian to make sure they are still serious about buying the building before proceeding. The board also discussed whether the district should consider selling the La Platte building even if Cornerstone Christian is not interested in the purchase.
IV.D. State Conference Reports
Brenda Sherman and Kyle Fisher reported on the state conference that they attended in LaVista. It was suggested that the district look into the Whole Child Project. Other board members were encouraged to attend the next state conference.
IV.E. Holiday luncheon plans
Holiday luncheon plans were discussed. Board members were asked for their input and to let Brenda Sherman or Brett Richards know if they could be available in the buildings during the luncheons. Plans will be finalized at the December board meeting.
IV.F. NSBA National Convention
The National School Board Association's national convention is to be held in Nashville, Tennesee March 21-23. Members were asked to let the superintendent know if they plan to attend by the December 8 meeting.
V. Future Planning
Board members reviewed their upcoming schedule of meetings, trainings, and conventions. Significant school calendar items were also discussed.
VI. Executive Session
Recommended Motion(s):
Action to go into executive session at ____ p.m. for the purpose of protecting the public interest and for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual regarding contract negotiations and the superintendent's evaluation passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
VI.A. Superintendent's Evaluation and Contract
VII. Adjourn
Recommended Motion(s):
Action to adjourn the meeting at ___ p.m. passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The board reconvened in open session at 8:59 p.m.