November 14, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Call the meeting to order
Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings: BOE Policy/Regulation 8346 outlines the parameters of public participation at Board meetings concerning items on the agenda as well as those not on the agenda. A copy of this policy is available in the Superintendent’s office and at each monthly Board meeting. |
2. Roll Call
3. Verification of Open Meetings Act Notice
4. Verification of publication of meeting notice
5. Consider and approve the current board meeting agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6. Ace Recipients Recognition
Grace Hudson was selected as the HS Ace for the month. Mrs. Cleveland nominated Grace for "doing a great job participating, paying attention, and setting a good example during class". Grace is a leader in the classroom by working hard on assignments and is doing well on her work. Thanks for being a great leader!
Emma Jackson was nominated as the Elementary ACE Flyer by her classroom teacher. Mrs. Bonham shared that Emma has a love for English! She lights up in the classroom when they are learning new skills. She is an academic leader in the classroom
7. Visitor Comments
8. Action Items
8.1. Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8.1.1. Minutes of previous meetings
8.1.2. Monthly Financial Report
8.1.3. Claims
8.1.4. Consider and approve declaring items as surplus for immediate disposal or sale
The following are surplus items recommended to dispose of: 4-weighted stand-up dummies Old downmarker Old chain set 4-old blue arm pads (square) 1 - old arm pad (black) 1 - old small arm pad (blue) 2- old stand up dummies (white)
The following is a surplus item recommended to try to sell 4 - old stand up dummies (blue) |
8.1.5. Consider and approve a partial buy from Apple Computers for computer equipment for the 2016-17 school year in the amount of $20,280.00 from REAP Funds.
These are for ipads for the 1 to 1 student initiative. REAP Grant Money will be used to purchase these computer equipment. Purchasing the computers were approved during the October 2016 board meeting.
8.2. Consider and approve R & R repair bill in the amount of $94.38 for belt and filters.
Approve R & R repair bill in the amount of $94.38 for belt and filters.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8.3. Request for donation to the Flyer Mascot Fund
Please read the attachment.
8.4. Staff Christmas Party
Franklin School Board has in the past supported a Christmas party for staff. Is this something you would like to continue? Saturday, December 10th is an open date.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
8.5. Junior High Football - Numbers Issue
With the numbers in Junior High Sports declining. Mr. Boettcher needs guidance from the board as to where you would like to proceed when it comes to Junior High Football. The projected number for Junior High Football next year is 9. Therefore, he is proposing three possible options: 1. Play our current 8-man schedule with 9 students out, with the possibility of having to cancel the season or games due to ineligibility, injuries, or students quitting. 2. Try and put together a 6-Man schedule with 9 students out, with the possibility of having to cancel the season or games due to ineligibility, injuries, or students quitting. 3. Look at the possibility of Cooping Junior High Football with another school. If we look at this option we need a little guidance as to who we would be interested in talking with to begin this process. Also, if we are considering this option we need to begin these discussion soon. Side Note - There was some discussion about the possibility of having 6th grade play with Junior High and this is only possible if your 7th and 8th grade enrollment is 12 or less in total boy enrollment according to Rule 10. |
9. Elementary Principal's Report
Elementary Principal's Report Elementary Quiz Bowl The Elementary Quiz Bowl Team took 1st place at the Franklin invite on Wednesday, November 9th. Congratulations students! Elementary Honors The 1st quarter Elementary Honors was held on October 26th. Attached is the list of students earning elementary academic honors. Art awards were given to Miles Cleveland, Alexa Goosic, Josh Cooper, Ayden Schmidt, Breanna Trevarton, Tamia Phifer, Macy Lennemann and Emma Largent. PE awards went to Josh Cooper, Meredith Shaver, Jesse Johnson, Caitlyn Hindal, Trace Bislow and Macy Lennemann Fire Prevention Week Students enjoyed a visit from Fireman Donn Guge during Fire Prevention Week. Donn talked with students about Smokey Bear and fire prevention. We played a game using IPads that tested the knowledge of students about fire prevention. The week concluded with a fireman's bunker gear race with Mrs. Katie James, Mr. Hanshaw and Mr. Boettcher volunteering to put on the gear. A BIG thank you to Donn Guge for his time and dedication to the education of our students. 4th-6th Grade Performance Students in grades 4th-6th performed at the Franklin Senior Center for the November Birthday celebration under the direction of Mr. Hanshaw and Mrs. Antholz. Students performed patriotic music in honor of Veterans Day and concluded with the traditional "Happy Birthday" song.
10. Secondary Principal/Activities Director's Report
High School Principal’s Report – November 2016 Board of Education 1. Academic Information
2. Activity Information
3. Other Information
11. Superintendent's Report
12. Positive Comments
13. Adjournment
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.