September 10, 2012 at 8:15 PM - September 2012 Regular Board Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Call the meeting to order
Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings: BOE Policy/Regulation 8346 outlines the parameters of public participation at Board meetings concerning items on the agenda as well as those not on the agenda. A copy of this policy is available in the Superintendent’s office and at each monthly Board meeting. |
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Verification of Open Meetings Act Notice
1.3. Verification of publication of meeting notice
2. Consider and approve minutes of previous meeting
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3. Consider and approve the current board meeting agenda
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4. Consider and approve bills
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4.1. Consider and approve R & R repair bill in the amount of $182.04
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4.2. Consider and approve payment to Drew Felzien for refurbishing of elementary principal's office door (Bill # 123955)
4.3. Consider and approve bill in the amount of $1,949.97 from the depreciation fund for the purpose of replacing lawn tractor
Stacey's lawn tractor would not going into reverse. So, it was time to get a different one.
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4.4. Consider and approve repayment in the amount of $133.03 from the Special Building fund to the Franklin County Treasurer
I received a call from Connie Hunt regarding the Special Building Fund on Monday, September 10th. They overtaxed Bank of the West for property tax and had to issue them a refund, which causes the account to go into a negative balance. We need to issue them a check in the amount of $133.03 to zero out the account since we are not taxing into it this year.
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5. Visitors' Comments
6. Reports
6.1. Principal's Report
Shelley and I are going to present about the way we are beginning to incorporate the 40 Developmental Assets and Positive Behavioral Support at the school.
6.2. Superintendent's Report
6.2.1. NePAS-Statewide Accountability System
6.2.2. Potential Retirement Increase
Retirement Issues
Less than optimistic news was unveiled at a recent meeting of the Public Employees Retirement Board (PERB) with regard to the School Employees Retirement Plan. Based on the actual rate of investment return, the state's appointed actuary suggested and the PERB approved a lower return assumption from the previous 8% to 7.75%. The lowered assumption creates an additional required contribution of $72 million. This means, for next year, additional state contributions and/or additional employee/employer contributions to make up for poor investment returns. We will be looking into all options available to us as we near the next legislative session and will be working with NPERS and the Legislature's Retirement Committee to find solutions. |
6.3. Board Members' Reports
6.4. Committee Reports
7. New Business
7.1. Planning
7.2. Policy Review
8. Action Items
8.1. Consider and approve 2012-13 Franklin Public Schools Budget
The budget document and budget detail are attached.
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8.2. Consider and approve the 2012-13 Tax Request
The requested tax rate for all funds is the maximum levy limit of $1.05. Last year, you were at $1.049
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8.3. Consider and approving adjusting the amount transferred from the general fund to the activities fund at the August 2012 regular board meeting from $25,000 to $30,938.92
Explanation of why the transfer is necessary:
The General Fund transfer of $25,000 to the Activity Fund- Athletics account will not cover the negative balance. I know the board approved the $25,000 and you said that it could be actual rather than estimate. There were two invoices we had to pay for football helmets. These two invoices were the ones I copied you in on earlier to Travis as they were actually purchased back in March and April. No copies of invoices or statements were received until Tom happened to get one in his box and we started tracking down what had happened. We found out they had actually been received and the bills needed to be paid. These two plus the NE Activities bill for 2012-13 school year for Registration Fees and officials for the first game put us over the 25,000. We are now at a ($30,938.92) to close the books for the 2011-12 SY and bring the Athletic account balance to zero. I talked with Kim at Dana F Cole and he said it was fine to transfer the entire amount to bring the account balance to zero but that it needs to be put on the agenda for the September board meeting to change it from the $25,000 to $30,938.92 for board approval. I thought it would be best if I sent this to you now so I would not forget to mention it for the September meeting.
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8.4. Consider and approve adopting NDE Rule 27 as the professional code of conduct for all employees at Franklin Public Schools
Rule 27 is attached. It is the rule that governs the conduct of educators in Nebraska. Our school's attorney recommends that board of education adopt it and communicate the expectation to follow Rule 27 to the teachers. We have done this annually since my arrival. It is a good idea just any cases of misconduct by teachers arise. Then, we can say with confidence that they were informed of the standard of conduct expected.
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9. Discussion Items
9.1. WLC Participants' Presentation
The two FFA Members who attended WLC this summer will be at the meeting to share their experience with you.
9.2. ESU 11 Presentation-Paul Tedesco
Paul Tedesco is the administrator from ESU 11. He wants to come out and briefly visit with you about how the ESU supports instruction at Franklin Public Schools.
9.3. 40 Developmental Assets & ACE
Shelley and I will be sharing with you the work we have done so far with staff to begin to incorporate the 40 Developmental Assets and a Positive Behavioral Support Model.
Attached, you will see the data we have begun to gather thus far on student performance in respect to "problem solvings."
9.4. Lunch Program Improvements
I want to verbally share with you what I have done so far regarding this topic.
9.5. Metal Roofing Project
I have been working with Dave from Magnum Roofing, the company that did our section of roof on the west wing of the high school last summer, to create some drawings and get a plan for the next section of roof. Preliminary estimates indicate that the section of roof will be between $140,000 to $150,000. The project will eliminate the "courtyard" area and create additional space that could be used for other purposes.
9.6. Crow's Nest
Our AD's would like to take you to the crow's nest and show you around. They are proposing expanding the crow's nest.
9.7. Bowling Team
I've had a staff member approach me about offering a bowling team to the students. I'm curious to know your thoughts pertaining to this.
9.8. Retirement Incentive
Currently, there are 8 staff members who are eligible to retire this year. Those staff members are:
Diana DeJonge, Janet Guge, Vickie Johnson, Steve Rasmussen, Sandy Schegg, Les Sidlo, Peggy Sidlo, & Clark Vetter. The average length of time until they intend to retire is 4.5 years, with an estimated retirement range of 2-8 years. When asked what their biggest concerns was about retiring, the eight respondents indicated that "health insurance" was their biggest concern. When asked what amount of incentive would encourage them to retire, they indicated that the amount would be somewhere between $30K and $40K. The cost of offering each of them health insurance for one year, based on the current rate for single coverage through BCBS, would be $6,000 per retiree. Or a cost of about $46K a year. Please remember that this rate amount will increase each year. The policy committee will be looking at the retirement incentive policy during the review of the 4000 series. I just wanted to see what type of interest you have in running an incentive this year and see if you need any additional information for your decision making. |
10. Positive Comments
11. Adjournment
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