April 12, 2021 at 7:00 PM - April Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Call the Meeting to Order
Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings: BOE Policy/Regulation #2009 outlines the parameters of public participation at Board meetings concerning items on the agenda as well as those not on the agenda. A copy of this policy is available in the Superintendent’s office and at each monthly Board meeting. |
2. Roll Call
3. Verification of Open Meetings Act Notice
4. Verification of Publication of Meeting Notice
5. Consider and Approve the Current Board Meeting Agenda
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6. The Flyer Way
Mrs. Marks nominated Izzabella Florom for always working hard in the classroom and being a great role model. Way to go!
Mrs. Kahrs nominated Colton Bower for going above and beyond to help others during the hydraulics unit in Science class. Great job, Colton! |
7. Visitor Comments
8. Action Items
8.1. Consent Agenda
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8.1.1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
8.1.2. Monthly Financial Report
8.1.3. Claims
8.2. Consider, Discuss and Approve Invoices from Shad's Auto, Inc Totaling $470.85:
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8.3. Consider, Discuss, and Approve Resignation of Ms. Erin Ellis, Vocal Music Teacher, Effective at the End of the 2020-2021 School Year
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8.4. Approve the Contract for Ms. Leah Solko, JH/HS English Instructor for the 2021-2022 School Year
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8.5. Approve the Contract for Mr. Timothy Ellis, Vocal Music Instructor for the 2021-2022 School Year
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8.6. Approve the Contract for Emily Cleveland as a 1/2 time Transition to Teach Math Instructor and 1/2 time Special Education Teacher
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8.7. Consider, Discuss and Approve Resignation of Board Member Barb Overleese
Consider, Discuss and Approve Resignation of Board Member Barb Overleese
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8.8. Consider, Discuss and Approve the Amended 2021-2022 School Calendar
Two items changed:
March 22, 2022 - State ACT Test for Juniors - No School for Grades 7,8,9,10,&12 April 5, 2022 - No School for Students - Franklin Track Invite
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8.9. Consider, Discuss and Approve Moving the Last Day of School for Students to Friday, May 7, 2021
Mike Bartels suggested we move up the last day of school. After counting the instructional minutes, we have the ability to move the last day to Friday, May 7.
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8.10. Consider, Discuss, and Approve the Bid for Lower Elementary Hallway Terrazzo Replacement by DeMarco Bros., Omaha, with the Cost paid out of the School Building Fund
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8.11. Consider, Discuss and Approve Replacement of 18 Casement Windows by ICON Improvements, LLC, with the Cost of the Windows and Labor Paid Out of the Depreciation Fund
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8.12. Consider, Discuss and Make a Decision as to the Fate of Four of the old Lunch Tables
Macon Lions Club would not take the lunch tables. We could advertise and take bids, hold a garage sale this summer, or donate them to the Museum.
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8.13. Consider, Discuss and Determine if Franklin Public Schools will Provide Transportation to and from Holdrege for the Summer Honors Students
Six students have been selected one 9th grader, two 10th graders, two 11th graders, and one 12th grader. At this time I do not know which students have accepted the invitation to participate.
If all six students attended the program they would be able to ride in the school van.
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8.14. Consider, Discuss, and Approve ESSER II Plan
The computer replacement plan includes approximately 120 laptops for student and staff use.
These are on the regular rotation but usually come out of our general fund and REAP money. Email from lawyer concerning no need for a second bid: Candy,
Thank you for your time this morning chatting about the exciting projects you are considering with the ESSER funds. You noted that you were considering three separate projects that would be completed by the same company, including improvements to a roof and your HVAC system. Fortunately, because each of the three projects are unrelated to, and independent of, one another you will not need to receive additional bids. This is true even though they will be fulfilled through contracts with one company, and those contracts would aggregate to a sum greater than $100,000.
I hope this information is helpful, Candy. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. Thanks!
Jordan Johnson
KSB School Law, PC, LLO
Nebraska ? South Dakota
O: (402) 804-8000
M: (605) 661-7729
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8.15. Consider, Discuss, and Approve Random Drug Testing Policy
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8.16. Consider, Discuss and Determine the future of the Mask Requirement
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9. Elementary Principal's Report
10. Secondary Principal/Activities Director's Report
11. Superintendent's Report
12. Positive Comments
13. Adjournment
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