March 8, 2016 at 9:00 AM - Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Open Meetings Law posting
4. Roll Call
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Approval of Minutes
7. Approve monthly Fee Reports
8. Discussion regarding Noxious Weed Superintendent becoming organization President
9. Discussion regarding Extension Office heating repairs
10. Discuss/Approve ~ Permits
10.1. Driveway Permits
10.2. Clean Silt Permits
10.3. Occupy County Right-of-Way
11. Discussion regarding proceeding with bridge plans between Sections 26 & 27, Geneva Township
12. Discussion on Road Dept. issues
13. Gravel bids
14. Discussion regarding generator at old hospital for Road Dept.
15. Discuss/Approve ~ Kennel Subdivision located in the NW 1/4, Section 21-5-3, Hamilton Township
16. Discussion regarding Green Products Company
17. Discussion regarding "Rolling on with 10/11 - Our Town Geneva"
18. Discussion regarding "on call" position at the East Office Building
19. Veterans Service Committee presenting Veterans Service Officer job offer
20. Discuss/Approve ~ Veterans Service Officer appointment
21. Discuss/Approve ~ Veterans Service Committee appointment of Richard Kleinschmidt and Tim Wilbeck
22. Discussion regarding bill submitted from York County for services
23. Discussion with Berggren Architects regarding repairs
24. Discuss/Approve ~ Contract with Berggren Architects for repairs
25. Discussion regarding the process for collecting and selling the tax credits for repair work
26. Discussion regarding Home Opportunity Program (HOP) with Southeast Nebraska Development District
27. Discuss/Approve ~ Application for the Nebraska Affordable Housing Program
28. Discuss/Approve ~ Interlocal Agreement with the Fillmore County Development Corp., Villages: Exeter, Fairmont, Grafton, Milligan, Ohiowa, Shickley, and Strang, and the City of Geneva
29. Discuss/Approve ~ Agreement between County and Fillmore County Development Corp. as sub-recipient
30. Discuss/Approve ~ Claims
31. Discussion regarding advertising for Sale/Demo of old hospital
32. Discussion regarding Disclosure Statement on old hospital
33. Discuss/Approve ~ Surplus of Old Hospital
34. Discussion regarding East Office Building/Old Hospital