December 12, 2017 at 9:15 AM - Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Open Meetings Law posting
3. Approve agenda of meeting
4. Approve minutes of previous meeting
5. Discuss/Approve ~ November Fee Reports
6. Correspondence
7. Discussion regarding elected officials salaries for 2019 to 2022
8. Discuss/Approve ~ 2019 to 2022 Elected Officials Salaries
9. Discuss/Approve ~ Applications for Permits
9.1. Driveway Permits
9.2. Approve Clean Silt Permits
9.3. Occupy County Right-of-Way Permits
10. Discuss/Approve ~ Mini Excavator bid
11. Discussion regarding whether or not the Sheriff would have a space in the new pole building
12. Discuss/Approve ~ Pole Building bid
13. Milligan South Overlay Letting
13.1. Discuss/Approve ~ Milligan South Overlay
14. Discuss/Approve ~ Contract with JEO for new shop/office building
15. Discussion regarding asbestos report and removal of debris
16. Discussion on purchase of air compressor and track loader
17. Discussion regarding Big Blue Mile Shoot Out using a portion of old Hwy. 81 for an event
18. Discussion on Road Dept. issues
19. Fillmore County Hospital Update
20. Discuss/Approve Claims
21. Discuss/Approve ~ Removal of Pledged Security with Geneva State Bank
22. Adjourn