October 23, 2018 at 9:10 AM - Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Open Meetings Law posting
4. Roll Call
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Emergency Action Item
7. Approval of Minutes
8. Approve 3rd Quarter Accountability Statements
9. Jail Inspection report
10. Discuss/Approve ~ Permits
10.1. Driveway Permits
10.2. Clean Silt Permits
10.3. Occupy County Right-of-Way
11. Update on new County Shop/Office
12. Discuss/Approve ~ Change order #1 for door hardware
13. Box Culvert Bids for project between Sections 15 & 16, Liberty Township
14. Discuss/Approve ~ Change order #2 for connecting downspouts on old shop to new
15. Discussion regarding the possibility of taking over a portion of Road B between Road 1 and Road 2
16. Discussion regarding the possibility of taking over a portion of Road B between Road 10 and Road 11
17. Discuss/Approve ~ Box Culvert Bods for project located between Sections 15 & 16, Liberty Township
18. 2nd motion to award box culvert
19. box culvert bids
20. Discussion regarding Bryant and Geneva Township roads
21. Discussion on Road Dept. issues
22. Noxious Weed Superintendent update
23. Emergency Manager office update
24. Elected Officials updates
25. Discuss/Approve ~ Claims
26. Discussion regarding Courthouse repairs
27. Discuss/Approve ~ Bruns Subdivision located in the NW 1/4, SW 1/4, Section 21, Fairmont Township