August 25, 2020 at 9:05 AM - Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Open Meetings Law posting
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes
6. Fillmore County Development Corp Update
7. Discuss/Approve ~ Permits
7.1. Occupy County Right-of-Way
8. Discussion regarding the bridge of Road L between Road 3 and Road 4
9. Discussion with Glengary Township regarding Road 25 between Road R and Road S
10. Discussion regarding the bridge on Road D between Road 14 and Highway 81
11. Discussion regarding dump truck
12. Discussion on Road Dept. issues
13. Discuss/Approve ~ Claims
14. Discussion regarding bids for work to grounds around Courthouse
15. Discussion regarding sidewalk
16. Discussion regarding courthouse hours
17. Discuss/Approve ~ Additional Budget Authority
18. Discuss/Approve ~ Inventory
19. Discussion regarding possible purchase of different time clocks
20. Discuss/Approve ~ Additional camera at East Office Building
21. Discussion regarding budget