May 25, 2021 at 9:00 AM - Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Open Meetings Law posting
4. Roll Call
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Approval of Minutes
7. Probation Update
8. Extension Office Update
9. Discuss/Approve ~ Permits
9.1. Occupy County Right-of-Way
10. Discuss/Approve ~ regarding NMC refurbishing program on #118 CAT Motor Grader
11. Discuss/Approve ~ Public Hearing for road closure inside Section 24, Franklin Township
12. Discuss/Approve ~ repair or put in a new box culvert between Sections 18 & 19, Fairmont Township
13. Discussion on Road Dept. issues
14. Senior Services update
15. Discuss/Approve ~ Claims
16. Discuss/Approve ~ Surplus misc. computers & office equipment
17. Discussion regarding County car at the East Office Building
18. Update regarding Public Health Solutions
19. Discussion regarding Southeast Nebraska Development District dues/budget request
20. Discuss/Approve ~ Manning & Associates, PC to prepare 2021/2022 Geneva Township budget
21. Discuss/Approve ~ Manning & Associates, PC to prepare 2021/2022 Bryant Township budget
22. Discuss/Approve ~ Region V Systems contract for Emergency Protective Custody services
23. Discuss/Approve ~ Child Advocacy Center Agreement
24. Executive Session
25. return to regular session