March 16, 2017 at 5:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
The meeting was called to order at 5:08 PM
I.A. A Copy of the Opens Meeting Act is posted on the south wall of the meeting room.
I.B. Excuse Absent Board Members
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
III.A. Approve minutes of the February regular board meeting
III.B. Treasurer Report
III.C. Outstanding Payables
IV.A. Appoint Dr. Vern Fisher as Interim Superintendent through the completion of the 2016-2017 school year
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IV.B. Rescind the Principals' authority to act as the Superintendent's Designee.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IV.C. 16-17 Calendar Changes - Consider the administration's recommendation to hold 10:00 a.m. starts on March 20, April 3, April 18 and May 1 for the purpose of holding professional development.
IV.D. Personnel
IV.D.1. Consider and act upon issues relating to retention of legal counsel to assist it in administering the personnel hearing requested by Carol Rempp
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IV.D.2. Consider and act upon issues relating to retention of legal counsel to assist it in administering the personnel hearing requested by Cindy Beacom and the personnel hearing requested by Jessica Ward
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IV.E. 17-18 Principal Contracts
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IV.E.1. Secondary Principal-Tony Hoffman
IV.E.2. Elementary Principal-Cindy Nagel
IV.F. Authorize the Administration to secure the services of Baker & Rastovski School Services to conduct the Superintendent search with Bob Uhing serving as the lead liaison for the school district
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
V.A. Superintendent
Dr. Fisher provided a copy of the part of the Progress Plan where the focus has been concerning the Board of Education. He had three goals when coming to Santee: to improve communication, tackle the priority plan, and create structures for collaboration. Dr. Fisher would like to work on a three year plan regarding building needs and improvements. The district needs a plan that is clearly articulated to the community about how we are spending our resources and when we are spending our resources. One way to monitor things and discuss the budget, priority plan, etc. is to have a committee meeting prior to the Board meeting and discuss critical issues. The concept is called committee of the whole and no action will be taken. The staff has been very easy to work with the "new" guy. There is a willingness from the staff to put together mechanisms. |
V.A.1. Progress Plan Update
V.A.2. Principal
Mrs. Nagel shared experiences about the Literacy conference they attended in Kearney. They appreciated the opportunity. Kindergarten roundup is March 24. We are anticipating 20 students. Working on setting up stations so students are prepared for the Fall. The AdvancEd review is coming up on April 5-6 and would like to do a trial run on March 28 at 5PM before the Board. The ACQUESTT conference is coming up. Dr. Kennedy will be presenting on April 10 and has asked a representation from each priority school to be present to help support her. The Principals thanked all staff for their work on the AdvancEd and a special thanks to Mrs. Leader for her leadership and time she has put into the work. We have two students who have not completed requirements and will be working on it. Academic hearings have been taken place to keep parents informed on where they are. There will not be any free walkers. Everyone must meet the requirements. We have a potential for 11 graduating seniors. |
V.B. Committee Reports
V.B.1. Negotiations Update
VI.A. 2017-2018 School Calendar
A discussion was held about coaching and extra duty contracts. A policy should be developed for all extra duty assignments and shared before the position starts so there aren't any questions later. A possible hearing date was scheduled for April 11. The regular April Board meeting will be moved. Dr. Fisher will send dates in an update to determine what works the best with everyone. Currently the administration is working on an extended contract that is in draft form. We need to give teachers more time to fulfill expectations. The proposal would include a late start for students while teachers would engage in professional development. The administration would like to start with four dates this Spring as a trial run to see how it goes. The Board gave a directive to move forward with calendar changes. |
VI.B. 16-17 Safety Audit Report
Discussion was held about the results of the 16-17 safety audit report. Some small things need to be addressed. Also a discussion was held about having fire trucks and firemen at the school during a drill to talk with students and help manage the logistics. |
VI.C. Building Projects
Dr. Fisher shared a list of building improvement projects that are currently on the table. He asked the Board to prioritize them. Dr. Fisher would like to create a revolving three year plan. He will provide strong recommendations of what needs to be addressed right away and what can wait. A plan would also give an opportunity to add and delete items over time if needed. A list of projects and diagrams for the gym floor was distributed. Dr. Fisher recommended staying away from classroom cameras. However, the Board fees it is a need. Dr. Fisher would like to get more information. The Board prioritized the following projects to the top of the list:
The other projects will be discussed during the committee work. |
VI.D. 2016 Impact Aid Adjustment Received
Kristy reviewed the Impact Aid voucher with the Board and explained the new payment practice with ESSA versus the previous payment practice. The goal for the US Department of Education is to finalize payments within 2 years. Therefore, the district can expect to receive funds from only two prior years as they are closed out. It still remains a guessing game but the time has at least closed. As we begin to work on our three year plan, we will forecast as best we can. The funds we receive in excess of our educational needs will be prioritized and directed towards building and improvement projects.
VI.E. Truancy Officer job description
Discussion was held on the truancy officer's roles and responsibilities. Truancy is a serious issue here. Seven out of ten students are truant eveyr day. Discussion was held about having community partners and support. The position is very young. Training in Norman OK with a tribal member, truancy officer and an administrator will help everyone to continue to develop a plan. In addtion handbooks and policy will need to collaborate with tribal code so they are supportive. They are working on setting clear responsibilities and parameters for the position. Effective communication will need to be addressed going forward |
VII.A. NAFIS - Washington DC- March 12-15
VII.B. NASB - Back to Basics of School Law - Norfolk NE - March 16 at 5:15 PM
VII.C. NRCSA - Kearney NE - March 23-24
VII.D. NSBA - Denver CO - March 25-27 - Nebraska Reception - March 25 4PM at Henry's 16th St Tavern
VII.E. April Regular Board Meeting - April 11
VII.F. Spring Break - April 14-17
Meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM.