March 2, 2020 at 5:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
I. Opening the Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Nebraska Open Meetings Law
I.C. Publication of Meeting
I.D. Roll Call
II. Celebrations of Excellence
II.A. Winter Athletic Teams: Boys and Girls Basketball
II.B. Hand Game Team(s)
Instructor Redwing Thomas, shared that Culture is more than a curriculum its a life style. We do more than Hand Games here at SCS. Culture will help with students with behavior, identity, confidence respect and pride. Students attended their first ever hand game tournament. When students arrived, they walked into the room, eventually loosened up and got support from the other teams. The game is rooted in respect, you are not allowed to trash-talk the other team. He thanks the school board for the opportunity to work with students for helping with the culture class, it needs to get bigger. A true family finds strength and wants the best for community. He would like to host a March Madness hand game tournament in Santee Community and staff are invited. Lookout Santee is on the move!
II.C. Dr. Mausbach Presentation (NDE Consultant)
Dr. Ann Mausbach-NDE Consultant, shared a slide presentation and update for the School Board.
The focus is on helping leaders develop the skills needed to grow and support them. As she looks at the work here, our business is growth. The superintendent needs to help principals grow, the principals help the teachers grow and the teachers help the students grow. And it aligns to the processes for school improvement and engages staff. President Moose asked if everything is going okay? She said, yes. We have a really open staff, we've had tough conversations. she wants teachers to feel empowered to try things and use student work to inform practice. Wants to create a culture in which we are all learning together and so far everyone here is open to working on that. |
II.D. Jeff Cole Presentation (community partner)
Jeff Cole gave a presentation-He is with NE Children's Family Organization. Their focus is on school-based after school and summer programs.
III. Public Comment
Leah Hrbek
IV. Approval of the Consent Agenda
Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Treasury report given by Business Manager, Ron Meyer. He handed the board members a list of reports that should be coming out of business office.
Total of receipts and expenditures (comparison of receipts actual versus budget) and bank statements for all funds we have in the district. Treasurers report; year to date receipts vs. budget; January and year to date expenditures; bank reconciliation of all accounts. Linda Richards -suggested that this is a regular course of the business.You should receive these ahead of the meetings. We are working with First National Capital, so work we see to date should be in line with what First National Capital has been working on with Supt. Hayes and Ron. It's important for the board to have line of-sight on the funds each month so they can track trends across months and throughout the year. Ron has spent a lot of time behind the scene bringing things up to date. The Board acknowledges the work Ron has done to get us back on track. |
IV.A. Monthly financial report
IV.B. Minutes of the February 13, 2020 and the February 22, 2020 meeting of the board
IV.C. Certified/classified Hire(s)/Reassignment(s)/Resignation(s)
V. Reports
Packets were handed out to Board Members and a presentation was given by Mrs. Corderman, Mrs. Romkema and Mrs. Nagel.
Growth in every grade level and we are making progress with students. |
V.B. Attendance Reports
V.C. Review Student Attendance Policy #5001
Process in place for disenrollment of students with major attendance violations. This will need to be updated as Tribal law is more stringent and supersedes State law, currently they utilize the SARB Board and Natalie.
We are advertising for a Graduation Career coach - who follows up with students. (The job description was included in Supt. Hayes A-Z update.) In 2018 - a grant was written, but not a plan for how to spend it. This would not add an FTE, but would be taken from a grant which is funded for 2 years. There is potential to add 0.5 FTE through grants for an additional instructional coach.
VI. Action Items
VI.A. Consider and approve the Superintendent contract
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mrs. Richards stated that State law prohibits contract discussion to enter into executive session. It must be in public, just like his evaluation was.
Concerns were brought forward about the incentives that are in the proposed contract. If we don't give incentive - will the commitment not be there? President Moose - feels that Mr.Hayes is committed to Santee. If we decide to commit to him for a couple years, we set the change as a board members. Steve doesn't like everything that the consultant ask us to do. But we need to remember that we hire the Supt to oversee the whole school. His salary is not compared to our surrounding districts - the amount established is based on averages. Mrs. Richards: Goal number 3 - She has sat here listening to this board, hearing that you want off the priority status. Having consistency with Superintendents needs to happen. There is a whole team, but the buck stops with the Supt. The board can articulate where you want him to focus on. You are saying clearly to him, and the community that we mean business, so much so that we are putting dollars to the steps and actions to make things happen. Concerns were raised with how many years we need to offer on the contract. Mrs.Mausbach explained that multiyear contracts demonstrate a willingness to be in for the long haul, between the superintendent and the board. We have complex issues to solve, and it will take time and trust. This is a first step in trying to turn the corner.
VI.B. Discuss, consider, and approve the form renewal agreement, and authorize Superintendent Hayes to deliver renewal agreements.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Across the state, districts are using this form for renewal agreements.Teachers sitting down with admin and having a conversation with the teacher concerning their credits, are they looking to take classes? Starting or finishing a degree? This is a more formal way, rather than just delivering a master contract.
President Moose inquired if all observations done. Supt. Hayes, said teachers need to be notified by March 15th, if not being renewed. |
VI.C. Discuss, consider and approve the ESU #1 Service Contract for 2020-2021.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
ESU#1 provides Special Education services to us each year. $380,000 for 2020-21
VI.D. Approve the agreement by Great Plains Communications to conduct fiber work in the amount of $11,781.51.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
When the project was planned we knew there would be projects happening that needed approved outside of the bond project.
VII. Adjourn
A quorum wasn't present and the meeting ended at 7:04.
VIII. *Closed Session: If, during the course of the meeting discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in closed meeting, the board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Law.
IX. **Sequence of Agenda: The sequence of agenda topics is subject to change at the discretion of the board. Please arrive at the beginning of the meeting.
X. ***Action Items: The board reserves the right to take action on any item one the board agenda.