April 6, 2020 at 5:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
I. Opening the Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Nebraska Open Meetings Law
I.C. Publication of Meeting
I.D. Roll Call
II. Celebrations of Excellence
II.A. Perfect Attendance Winners for Attendance Awareness Month
The intent was for the attendance winners to be present at this meeting and receive recognition; instead, the school partnered with DTSU to create certificates for the kids to come pick up, and Hayes took pictures of each student picking up their certificate. A video was created and pictures are being shared on social media. There was 95 % of elementary students who made perfect attendance and about twenty % of secondary students made perfect attendance.
III. Public Comment
IV. Approval of the Consent Agenda
Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on at one time.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IV.A. Monthly financial report
Supt. Hayes explained, that we will be a month behind on these reports because typically the business office does not receive all the needed documents until the 10th of the month. Right now you are looking at February reports. After reviewing several years of budget documentation, we have an 8.2% increase in spending each year. Typical growth would be 3.5-4%. We have roughly spent 40% of the general fund budget (this includes Lunch and all billing). This is the first time the board is seeing these documents in this format, and Supt. Hayes and Mrs. Richards answered questions and helped explain what was being presented. The special building fund has 3,036,000.00 , the dollars come into special building and go out of the bond fund.
Expenditures, reflects the percentage of budget by account, by expense code. Breaking down into teacher salaries, food service, etc. These accrue monthly. We are over budget in our substitute teacher area (102%) sow we will need to monitor this. We should be sitting at 50% of our budget, as we are about halfway through the year. President Moose would like these printed out and delivered to the members, so they have an opportunity to look at them in advance, whey they are ready after the 15th of the month. It was noted that the account summary expenditures for vehicle operation are 516% of the budget on this item, is it due to purchasing the bus or dealing with the bumper on the bus. They would like another category that just reflects the budget line - for construction, transportation, etc. Supt. Hayes and Business Manager are currently working on a report with actual and estimated 2019-20, 2020-21 budgets for projection. Come July, they will have a good idea of the budget for the next academic year. They can also assess sustainability over the next 5-10 years. |
IV.B. Minutes of the March 2, 2020 and the March 17, 2020 meeting of the board
IV.C. Personnel Report --Hire(s)/Reassignment(s)/Resignation(s)/Contract(s)
Supt. Hayes gave an update of those who have resigned and who has been hired. Sharing how salaries are determined. At this time 88% of the staff have signed to return.
It was asked why the personnel report is included in the consent agenda. It was explained that when NASB training happened, this was part of the outline - personnel report within the consent agenda. That is when they discussion about the board approving the initial and final contracts. Discussion over the differences in Principal Contracts. Supt. Hayes explained why contract is offered in this format.
V. Discussion Items
V.A. First National Capital Markets: Matt Fisher and Carl Dietz
Supt. Hayes gave an update from Capital funds and Ron Meyer. They have looked at a 10 year history of our budget, looking at the AFR and have found that we have had a spending increase of 8.2%. Supt. Hayes and Consultant Linda Richards worked with the Board explaining, , looking over the reports and discussion was held.
- most schools would want a 1/3 of but with impact aid, we should have half of the budget in reserves. He wants the Board to know, that moving forward the financials will be a month behind. 8.2% spending increase every year. l look at FY expenses and Comprehensive. Roughly we have spent 40% of our General Fund. And we have about a half a year left. All of our building project will go out of the Building Fund. Money comes into Special Funds and gets transferred to Building Fund. The Board would like to have these reports printed out and delivered to them. By the 15th, we will have March ready and deliver to you to look over and then at the next meeting it could be . Vendor Invoice Report-reflectin |
VI. Action Items
VI.A. Approve the 2020-2021 Staff Handbooks
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Staff Handbook - was done in review of contracts and matches our policies. Supt. Hayes will note where the changes are in the handbook and put in the cover letter.
Leave policies were updated and changes made. Classified PTO is five days first semester and five days second semester. this alleviates the manual process of leave being entered each pay period. Leave can still be taken in one hour increments. Who is the Title IX coordinator? It is the Superintendent and/or the Board President. It must be included in the handbook. |
VI.B. Approve the 2020-2021 Student Handbooks
Student Handbook - concerns brought forward on bullying - could we clearly defined procedures. If parents understand the procedures and it could make a difference of how they help their child.
Bullying policy is 5054, adjust the language to coincide with handbook. More discussion took place concerning restorative justice, it beneficial to all staff and community to learn and approach of how we address students and what are the consequences be in place. Board members would like to know more about the broader practices of restorative practices, in the near future. Adding an outline somewhere in the handbook, discussing what we are doing with restorative justice. Bullying plays a huge part in students's mental health and our community deals with elevated rates of suicide attempts, so this is important to consider. President Moose would like to review during summer policy work, the Student Discipline Act and Bullying policy; articulate the points that refer to the policy language which outlines the procedure for investigating bullying and consequences. Discussion on number of credits needed for graduation. more discussion is needed and any changes will be done by updating policy. |
VI.C. Approval of change order to Bond project for the FEMA rated doors/frames not to exceed $9,620.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Discussion of making a room in the new preschool building safe that allows them to shelter in place and install FEMA rated frames and doors. Discussion took place about the Elementary and Secondary students and what shelters are currently in place for them.
VII. Adjourn
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
VIII. *Closed Session: If, during the course of the meeting discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in closed meeting, the board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Law.
IX. **Sequence of Agenda: The sequence of agenda topics is subject to change at the discretion of the board. Please arrive at the beginning of the meeting.
X. ***Action Items: The board reserves the right to take action on any item on the board agenda.