June 11, 2019 at 5:00 PM - Board of Education Committee of the Whole Meeting
Minutes |
II.A. Personnel
Mr. Hayes recommends the following hires. 3rd special Ed teacher from Norfolk. Natalie Grimm, Yankton area from Wisconsin, Tammy Sokoul Elementary, Breann Sweeney-from Wayne state.Full time Sub. President Moose inquired about certificiates. They have applied and would sign contracts after they receive certficiates.
Still looking at Science teacher, Distance Learning, Partner, how do we meet the needs of our students and need to acquiring, |
II.A.1. Patricia Peterson - Special Education Teacher
Natalie Grimm - Instructional Coach Kami Soukup - Special Education Teacher Breann Sweeney - Early Childhood/Elementary Teacher |
II.B. Supt. Daniels' last day
Ms. Daniels last day, this Thursday. She will be in and out next week finishing up reporting. Thanked the Board and once a Warrior always a Warrior. Board Members thanked her for her service the last two years.
II.C. Payment for additional Supt. days
Board inquired about the number of days. He has acquired four days and will be needing a few more for construction projects, that will work in his schedule. Paid a daily rate of 479.00.
II.D. Update on construction project
Special Building Project: The GMP price from RaDec is much higher than anticipated about 33% higher. Meetings and conversations have been held that have included Mr. Hayes. Getting to the bottom of the the higher prices is a work in progress and we want to know why it's higher. There is a meeting scheduled for Wednesday with RaDec, the architect, and Perry Law. Mr. Hayes will join via distance. We may have to look at creative ways to come up with the additional funds such as borrowing from our general fund or a lease purchase. The second option is not very attractive as we would have to pay taxes on the addition if we looked at a lease purchase.
II.E. Discussion re: childcare for employees in the summer
Ms. Daniels reached out to Insurance carrier - we are covered in this area. Ms. Stewart, visited Ericka from DHSS, and Cara an inspector specialist. We should be able to have staff daycare in the summer without affecting our grant program. Ms. Stewart recommends 3 staff members to cover, due to the ages of children. We have looked into being called a Center, we currently are currently listed as a "home" center. There are some issues on the playground that need attention as well as some minor changes in the laundry room.. . The price per hour would remain the same as during the school year at 1.25/hr. Mr.Hayes said they would be licensed for 25, but due to space limitations, we could only have 16 students. Staff for the daycare would not be taken from summer school staff currently in place. The workers would be from the summer work crew who already have the qualifications to work in early childhood. is her plan. The program can be started on Monday, June 17.And will quite possibly be starting on Monday, June 17.There was a concern that some of the new hires, were promised childcare, but there is no specific corroboration of that. The expense to the district is a concern so summer daycare will be piloted this year to determine if it is successful.
II.F. NASB Board Updates
Included in packet was NASB legislative notes for them to review. Ms. Daniels emphasized to the board the need to review the school's policies to ensure that our practices and policies match.
II.G. MTSS Workshop Summary
NDE came to provide MTSS workshops on May 29th and June 5. NDE is helping to make sure that our plans all fit together and compliment each other. Dr. Vargas (via video) emphasized the importance of the transitions in administration and wants to ensure that all entities including the ESU are working together to help to achieve success at SCS. Ms. Nagel shared that when looking at all of the plans currently in place, SCS had nearly 17 plans running concurrently. All plans developed and implemented have to support Rule 10 requirements. Work on goals for the new priority plan have started and we want to make sure that these are SMART goals.
The plan must be written and approved by the state school board on Aug. 8. We need to make sure that who is responsible for what is clearly communicated in the plan. Plans to include all stakeholders, including Tribal Council have been made. The tentative date for the first meeting will be July 1. |
II.H. President report on Tribal meeting
A brief meeting was held with members of the school board and Tribal council. The plan is to continue these meetings.
5:54 adjourn.