October 1, 2019 at 5:00 PM - Board of Education Committee of the Whole Meeting
Minutes | |
II.A. NAFIS Report
Lizie justiny encouraged them to support impact aid. They are roll out a new system this. They hope that the payments will be out Nov. Dec., all contingent on the new system.
II.B. Administrators' Reports: Early Childhood, Elementary, Secondary, and Special Education
Starting today, board members will be receiving the Admin reports in a new format.
Early Childhood - data presented by Joan Stewart. Ms. Richards asked about a comparsion, and its about engagement, phrases, the red flags, for certain words. We use the pyrimad model. With I statements. Last year comparision was given last year. This is the first go round of the year and in the Spring there will be . They share with the parents, and table that has a percentages, and another table with red flags. Sixpence use to be called the growing together program. Step up to quality is for Preschool, for daily schedule, routine, notes home to parents. Cindy in at 5:09 |
II.C. Emergency Plan Review (Ms. Lor, Secondary Principal)
Elementary principal, Cindy Nagel, discussed the Universal Screening data, DIBELs, etc. A screener or testing was used to see where each student is according to their reading. It was done in early September. A table is shared with the board, to indicate the number of minutes students receive for CORE, intervention, and tier supports. This includes additional resources. 16% proficient A letter went out, K-3 students with dibels data. A letter was sent home also, and will be going over at conferences. Have Mrs. Nagel add to what she wants added. Goal to have at 40%.
Attendance: MAPS: DAta is showing 17% proficient according to RIT score. There were patterns of word work, vocabulary. PK thru K, struggling as they don't see word as a word, Sound. Independent reading, as a result of seeing scores we have done EIR interventions, they know letters and sounds, CKL Core knowledge language arts from Amplify, has an hour of schools with vocabulary work. Language. Speaking and listening skills, and knowledge as and implemented Independent Reading - K-12. We are charting how much reading, to see how much time they are independently. There are activies going on while having accountability. There will be aritifacts, will produce data. STeve had concern about Accelerated REader. BEcause of the types of questions it uses. WE have gone away from it as research says. WE are building teacher talk. With MAP, goals can be set. (Linda asked the question for Steve.) There are goals and charts in the elemnetary classroom posted. There are celebrations. Goals are set for reading. Chronic Absenteeism: 38 percent reduce to 33%, located in Multi-purpose room is the location to display the competition. 6th grade had 14 days of perfect attendance. The teachers keep track. It's in the conversation of the students, positive peer pressure. PK is included in the goal, also our goal to reduce by 5 % across the baord. PK-K has half of the absent. LInda inquired as to why this might be happening. Don't have to be in PK, as students' don't have to be there until six. Question on about what we are doing to get parents on board. Newsletters, pamphlets even at the community day, alot of verbal contact with the family. Is there data on parent contacts. Mrs. Nagel makes the phone school. by looking at PK. Do parents understand why we have a goal. We talk about the importance of having them in school. We like them at school, we miss them. Conversation about the classroom, its the learning and interacting that take place. That kids miss out on. Most are appreciative. Ms. Lor - contacts with attendance and other things. Converstaions about the good and bad. Linda asked, to go off of what LIzzie said...will this be a conversation at conferences. Mr Hayes, visited with Redwing, and culturally he had suggestions and stated that the change has to come from the community. Angie, inquired if Lizzie will sit with them at the community night. to help present the attendance goals. Ms. Lor: MS reading 3 times a week during intervention time, they respond. HS reading once a week. STAT teachers are conferencing with students. (Dewayne entered at 5:34.) ACT high stakes bell-ringers, ELA, Math, an explaination of a bell-ringer was given. for HS and MS is using Test Whiz. The expectation, is engagement. Encourage post secondary, also as a Professor would 1st QTR on OCt 18, take students with regular attendance, movie and dinner. If not able to attend. Will get a 50. gift card. MS reduce 50% HS reduce 70% ADA 89.3 Six Senior students are on track to graduate. LInda inquired what is the one thing in your way. It's just getting students here. A couple of students who are chronically absent. Linda inquired about are they patterns to why or what reasons they miss school. Are there counseling issues? Are we not getting them resources. Placement issues, family issues things outside of our control. As we move forward and our board is sharing the information with community. So the community can help put the safety net around them. Comes back to community and we need to express our needs. Could we work with employees of the tribe, and HR. IF they go to Lakeview, can they help get them back to school. Mentioned that this happens SAFETY: evacuation map, and poster posted in each room. Severe weather, once a semester=Lock Down, the next one will involve the police to make sure the process is Ms. Corderman: SWIS data- behavior system. 218 for K-12. Aug September we have make quite a job. Number one issue is Definance. Aggression has escaleted in the miuddle school. Behavior Intervention 7-12; with restorative practice is helping teachers be more positive, If they go to inventerion room, it is preventative. A concern from Rosella, that are students do this on purpose so they can just go to theat room for the day. We do have repeat offenders. As leadership team, some students love time with Mr. Matzke an ***darn it i just deleted a whole bunch of this. ISS in the modular, is working well. Students 4 students 4 days. One student is out right not participating. but wants to participate in sports therefore that will help out. They start there day in ISS and eat lunch. Note about IEP's we have had alot of transititon students. From South Dakota and lots calls tracking down. 200 students enrolled 41 students on IEP. 24% Vochab - there is success. 5 students involved, it's big in Nebraska and helping by giving students job shadow. She mentioned Hannah, who may want to be go on and be a teacher, she would assign, a job shadow. When those who graduate can go on and Concern for liability, it will be on VocRehab. it will be on evenings or weekends to shadow. CPI - training on building relationships, and one time a month, training the para's 3:45-4:45. August BEhavior, September Academic October Restorative Justice. She doesn't have a high attedance rate with Para's attending these meetings. Mr Hayes; Currently days 20 days in a year they earn leave. He talked to Omaha Nation She aske dif the board would ask the para's Board could send a letter to the para's, we look forward to the presentations of what you train. Kearney - about 5 will go, those who are absent alot. It's building leadership. MTSS - very visual charts. These students most likely don't have other services. They look for other interventions. This helps with common language. level 1,2,3 and suggest and work with students. This started on the 13th of September with teachers,and para's will be getting this and be able to have the same verbage. Changing from a punitive approach to a restorative approach. It's a mind shift. On-going process. Husker tickets - we made 1,000. Student Council....will be sharing during the regular meeting. Discussed the Kohamni dance and hasnt been done here on the 1800's. Redwing is putting this dance on Nov 1st. On a friday evening. How to get community in our doors and be able to talk to about attendance and other concerns. We cn't make staff stay. Tower kids down to one now. |
II.D. Evaluation of Employees (Policy 4031/4039).
There is a policy and there is evalutaions going on and classified have evalutions, It happens once a semester. Policy 4031 and 4039. NASB had a form that Supt will sign off that the completed. the form
II.E. NDE has accpected our LC-2 (budget items).
It ahs been reviewed and accepted.
II.F. Audit date for school is 10/28 (Report due to NDE 11/1- 79-528)
Working with Kristy, Ruth and Dawn. There is an Audit date Oct. 28th. Kristy is helping with the AFR. This will fall into the new business manager, and Supt.
II.G. Priority Plan Update
Supt and Steve will be going to Lincoln tomorrow and present.
There has been collaboration with community, REnae John, and a draft of the Google sites has been shared with board members. There won't be hard copies and a stack of papers for you to review. IT will be access through the Chromebooks, and they will be arriving at end of week. Steve shared the Progress Plan Report and shared what is in it. Slide 10 is recommendations for actions. on page 3 board development is important The changes of structure of the agenda; meet over the phone with LInda, Steve and Mr. Hayes; the policies. |
II.H. School bond project- Update
There will be hard bid that takes place in December to accept or deny the bids. We could call a special meeting, so we can
Derek is working out a timeline. He will bring the timeline, to next meeting. The fee schedule is being reworked. Steve wanted a schedule from us. Mr. Hayes said that break ground in March and be completed the following March. Derek and Hayes, are working together. We will get a true sense of of the cost by going to hard bids and if it's over the 2.8 million some decisions will have to made for the bond project. and |
II.I. Discussion on purchasing of bus
Mr Hayes, has looked into buses for the 32 pasengener white bus to a 52 passenger bus.. We are spending 5,000 and 6,000 amonth on
90,000. eight years old. They will give us 63,000 for the white bus it will be a freightliner. the little bus will have wheel chair lift. Could do a 6 yr or7 year note. After 12 years you can trade them in. Could make 10 payments a year. He said he visited with Kristy, LInda said the board could discuss this evening and have supt hayes bring it back. Donnie, checked into Miller SD and for a trade in and in Kearney they will give it us double. yellow bus: we ahve more kids than can fit on the bus. Freightliner, it could be here 2-3 weeks. (I'm wondering about the license to drive it???) |
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