November 12, 2024 at 12:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | ||
I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
II. Nebraska Open Meetings Law
III. Roll Call
IV. Resolution for declaring a Board Member Vacancy
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V. Public Comment & Recognization of Guests
VI. Approve the minutes of the October 9, 2024 Regular Board Meeting and October 9, 2024 Special Board Meeting.
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VII. Treasurer Report
Supt Shepard explained 3 year comparison reports; State Aid and 4 million Impact Aid student count is decreasing, state aid is decreasing. Spending decreased this year to save money for upcoming years. Money will keep decreasing from state aid if our student count decreases. A strategic planning meeting is coming up. No questions.
VIII. Approve Outstanding Payables
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IX. Discussion and Action Items
IX.A. Resignations
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IX.B. Strategic Planning for Isanti Community Schools - Kordica Communications
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Kordica Communications - Virgina Moon will be here next Monday and meet with Board at 5:00 and Tuesday and meeting with Staff, Students, Board, Community,Tribal Council. We will have a report will be in December. Their cost is 8,000 compared to the $14,000 School Board Association plan.Isanti Priority Plan is going in front of the state board this month, and this will is a good start for a strategic plan.
X. Reports
X.A. Superintendent and Progress Plan Update
-Veterans Program was very good
-On November 27th no students. PD day for staff. Board is ok with giving staff day off too. -Insurance costs alot - 29,000 difference between EMC and Allygap Companies, 1,000 deducible with Allygap and EMC is 10,000 deductible. -Allygap session at the board convention in Omaha -coffee Shop update - its moving along. Mr. Beck is doing a good job, kids responding very well. -NASBO Convention is Nov. 20-21-22 in Omaha. Reservations have been made. Susan is not attending and Anita will let him know. -State Auditors - still asking for more information -Regular Auditors are done. -Facility Advocates - discussing on ongoing problems -Troy at Tatanka golf course donated student winter coats -requesting a short executive session at end of meeting |
X.B. EC Director, ELE/MS Principal HS Principal, Dean of Academics/Behaviors, CTE
HS Principal - Newsletter; ACT testing; Senior Scholarships; FASFA night being planned; Native America Heritage Month Activities planned; Attendance - Santee Sioux Nations Culture donated Ipads for High School with Perfect Attendance. 9 were given away.; Veterans Day Program; Grateful for Grandpas; JAG held Halloween Carnival; Honor Roll signs were given to 8 students; Elderly Boo Baskets. No questions were asked.
Dean of Academics/Behavors: Instructional Coaching is ongoing with H.S. Teachers; Student Achievement/Behavior Matrix - all teachers have access - the graph shows behavior tracking -refusal to work is the highest category. Helping to make lessons more interesting.;HS PLC; Gree Cord- Doucmenting Community Service hours - outside of school and we are encouraging community service for students; Board President LaPlante asked if - 1 on 1 has it been successful - after school or during free time? She said it was a little challenging at first, but it's getting better now. Behaviors overall are better than last year. Supt. Shepard and President LaPlante talked about expectations and accountability for staff and students visited about cell phones and staff using them and Parent involvement. CTE -Building relationships for dual credit skills and college credits - Advisory board to shape CTE - moving to new middle school class - Business and Services for Community. Teaching a Government class and taking students to council meetings; SAT Team leader - WIT Team Leader - learning for the future and currently collecting demographics; what can we do to help nurture graduates; subbing for classes as needed ; mentoring; helping with behaviors and helping wherever its needed.
X.C. Committee Reports
XI. Executive Session
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XII. Adjourn
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XIII. *Closed Session: If, during the course of the meeting discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in closed meeting, the board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Law.