Minutes | |
Opening The Meeting
Call to Order
President F. Kramer called the regular meeting of the Stapleton Public Schools Board of Education to order at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 10, 2024, in the library at Stapleton Public Schools.
Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited; the board goals and vision were read aloud.
Nebraska Open Meeting Act statement and poster placement
President F. Kramer observed Open Meeting Law requirements.
Roll Call
Review of Norms
Board Development
K. Kramer, Opela and Connell along with Superintendent Redinger toured the new packing plant and reported information presented to them during the tour.
Excuse Absent Board Members
Publication of Notice
Notice of the meeting was published in the Stapleton Enterprise on Thursday, June 6, 2024, and posted at five local businesses along with notice to the president of the board and all members prior to the meeting date.
Public Comment and Recognition of Visitors
President F. Kramer asked if there was any public comment and referred to the guidelines in the agenda.
No one wished to address the board. |
Routine Business
Approval of Prior Minutes
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Approval of Claims
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Treasurer's Report
The treasurer's report was presented by Superintendent Redinger.
Community Liaison
No Community Liaisons' report was given.
Activities Director Report
The Activities Director's report given by Jeremiah Johnson included the following: summer weights underway with separate programs for boys and girls. Kudos to Coach Deines for creating programs geared towards strength/injury prevention. Attended MNAC vs MAC All Star Basketball game in Mullen which Cooper Layher played in, reported on basketball camps, basketball summer league, new basketball uniforms ordered, Mavericks calendar updated with 2024-25 athletic events, met with local golf board, working through certification steps with coaches, fundraisings underway, splitting up music concerts next year, road warning signs purchased for runner, info gathered on track costs, and Co-op Board Meeting July 30 in Stapleton.
7-12 Principal Johnson's report included: attended PowerSchool Conference in Kearney with Mrs. Joedeman, quarter 4 and semester 2 honor roll awards posted online, digital reference folder for teachers to assist with 9th hour detention, new courses for upcoming year, renewal of math curriculum materials, FFA officers and Ms. Nichols attended retreat and staff canvas training during August in-service.
PK-6 Principal Isom reported on the following: Field Day ran very smoothly with Mr. Deines's organization and Awards Ceremony was a success, NSCAS update, revamped 4-6 grade reading schedule, Wonders reading in-service on June 12th, kudos to our outstanding science teachers and high test scores, IEPs/MDTs/BIP/ELPA21, elementary attendance concerns and ELL training. |
Board Committee Reports
The Transportation Committee gave highlights from their meeting which included update on depreciation of vehicles and current mileage of each.
The Building and Grounds met and discussed the following: updates on painting north and south of 1914 building, repair of wall and flooring in superintendent's house, hallway light sensors proposal to electricians and FCS sink replacement. Projects pending and in progress include: handrails to main entrance, exit door numbering, library drainage, east parking lot organization, sprinklers at superintendent residence and southwest campus corner, kindergarten and preschool window replacement, new lighting in Bronco Room and library, and rock east edge of east parking lot and by playground and shop. |
Transportation - May 27th, Safety - June 24th, Sport's Cooperative - July 30th.
The Safety Committee will meet on June 24th and the Sport's Cooperative on July 30th.
Superintendent Redinger's report presented information on the following: Transportation Committee and Building and Grounds Committee Meeting updates, classified employee usage of paid time off, Big Iron sale of two Lincoln welders and possibly a bus or two, interest in building a practice track, superintendent evaluations, library certification and rollback of NSAA calendar for 2024-2025.
Old Business
Discussion and action to revise Board of Education Policies 6005 Academic Credits and Graduation and 6006 Commencement Ceremony.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
New Business
Review Board of Education Policy #5054 Student Bullying
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Discussion and Action to revise Board of Education Policy 6007 - Senior Recognition.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Discussion and action to revise the 2024-25 School Calendar.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Discussion regarding 2024-25 Budget Factors and Conditions.
The Board discussed the 2024-25 budget factors and conditions.
Review of Superintendent's Evaluation.
The Superintendent presented follow ups on superintendent's evaluation.
Upcoming Dates and Times
The next regular board meeting will be held on Monday, July 8, at 7:00 p.m. in the library at Stapleton Public Schools.
Board Goals Review
President F. Kramer adjourned the meeting at 8:13 p.m.