December 2, 2020 at 5:00 PM - Council Meeting Agenda
Minutes |
Report on Filter Plant
Mayor Eaton updated __ on the meeting that took place earlier in the day between Olsson and the Light, Water, Sewer committee. He said there was discussion on making the new building be compatible with solar energy, the layout of the building, how much the ground would need to be raised, the timeline for the construction of the building, and including automatic meters in the project.
North Side Drainage
The council then discussed stormwater drainage on the North End of town west and north of the Michael Foods Inc. plant. Administrator Litchfield showed the council the current flow of storm water coming into the field that MFI owns and different options to divert water and make it flow more easy to the Logan Creek. He said one option is to increase the existing tubes in the ditch on the west side of Highway 35 from 24" to 36", tubing under Highway 35 to divert water, a retention pond north of the MFI facitlies.
Goals of Elected Officials and Staff
Council person Soderberg stated his goals were housing, acquiring property for new development, helping facilitate an athletic complex at the school, and recruiting a grocery store to town. Council person Scott Hansen stated he would like to continue to pursue a grocery store, understanding TIF better, helping Rural Housing 360, and also facilitate bringing the Tom Jacobesen apartment complex to fruition. Council person Bard stated her goals are to clean up the recycling area by the City shop, exploring a solar project, and implementing a calendar for City staff. Administrator Litchfield stated his goals are adequate housing, land development, and grocery store. Council member Ross Hansen stated his goal is cleaning up the access road north of the City shop, improving lines of communication between Elected Officials and City staff, continuing pursuit of a grocery store, and developing infill lots in town. Mayor Eaton stated his goals are motivating City staff, and getting community members more involved in all aspects the community.
Committee Terms and Assignments
The Mayor then discussed the terms of Committee terms and assignments. He said he would like to update the terms of certain boards, committees, and authorities to eliminate the one year terms when possible to facilitate continuity.
Executive Session-Discussion to Maximize City Staff - Motivation and Calendar
Discussion on Motivation of City staff was tabled.
Discussion on Hotel meeting
Administrator Litchfield briefed the council on a Zoom meeting the was held on Monday November 30, 2020 between interested parties on a hotel development project.