January 13, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Council Meeting Agenda
Minutes | |
Action on the minutes from December 9, 2020 meeting
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Action on the December 2020 Treasurer's Report
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Update on plans for Hatchery Building
Eric Riewer was present to answer questions on plans to renovate the Hatchery building once he and wife Traci take possession. Riewer stated that they intended to apply for an affordable housing grant through Nebraska Affordable Housing Trust Fund (NAHTF) to convert the second floors of the property into apartments. The renovation plans that were shared with the council included one-three bedroom, two-two bedrooms, and one-one bedroom apartments on the second level of the properties. The tentative timeline for the NAHTF grant application process is a pre-application period through February, the deadline to apply is May, notification of award is expected in July, with funds to be released towards the end of the calendar year. The asbestos inspection is scheduled to take place the week of January 18, 2021.
Consideration of request for Full-Time EMT
Lyle Ekberg addressed the Council on behalf of the Wakefield Rural Fire Department to discuss hiring an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) to answer rescue calls. Ekberg stated there have been struggles with turnover in recent years and getting enough EMTs to respond to calls. There was extensive discussion on the potential job responsibilities of the employee outside of the rescue calls. Ekberg said he was in favor of the position being full-time, but would be open something other than that.
Consideration of Easement with Christensen Well
The council discussed an easement with Christensen Well. The easement would be 15 feet, and could either permanent or just for the construction phase of the new Water Treatment facility. The proposed easement would not align with where the existing driveways off Highway 35 are located. After further discussion on whether a permanent or construction easement would be most appropriate, the council advised Attorney Miner to prepare a construction easement for the next regular council meeting.
2nd reading and consideration of Ord 11-2020
The Mayor conducted the 2nd Reading of Ordinance 11-2020, to amend the requirements of open meetings for public bodies; to repeal all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and to establish an effective.
Consideration of Ordinance 1-2021 to amend Sewer rates
The Mayor conducted the first reading of Ordinance 1-2021. Council member Larry Soderberg introduced Ordinance 1-2021 of the City of Wakefield, Nebraska, amending the customer service charge for users of sewer services provided by the City of Wakefield, repealing all ordinances in conflict therewith, and providing an effective date
Consideration of Splash Pad
Jon McQuistan presented information to the Council on a potential splash pad project. Rick Ertz joined the meeting on Zoom on behalf of Outdoor Recreation Products and went over the maintenance of splash pads and answered questions. There was extensive discussion on the upkeep, the features, water usage, ownership, and responsibility of the property. The estimate for the plans that were provided was approximately $180,000.00. McQuistan said he would like to know if the City would be willing to provide the lot immediately north of Humpty Dumpty Daycare, and if the City would be willing to manage and maintain the property once complete. No action was taken.
Set date for Public Hearing to rezone City owned real estate
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The council discussed holding a public hearing to rezone City-owned real estate and updating the future land use map.
Consideration of Resolution 1-2021 for Micro-TIF Projects
The Council discussed Resolution 1-2021. Attorney Theresa Miner discussed changes the State Legislature made to the Nebraska Community Development Law, which now allows for smaller scale projects that can potentially be eligible for Micro-TIF. Action was tabled so the expedited reviews law of Redevelopment Plans could be studied.
Consideration to fence Sitzman property
Any consideration to fence around real estate owned by the Community Redevelopment AUthority was tabled since a fence had been installed prior to the Council Meeting.
Action on 3 applications to join Fire Department
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Discussion on Land Bank
The council briefly discussed a potential Land Bank.
Mayor's public comment period
Sales Tax Update
Legislative Update
Potential new line for Northeast NPPD
Levee Update
Water Project Update
Craig Reinsch joined the meeting via Zoom to update the council on the Water Treatment Facility project.
Police Review
Community Redevelopment Authority
Planning Commission
Park Board
Library Board
Civic Center Board
Fire Department
Adam Ulrich and Larry Soderberg provided reports on the Fire Department and Rescue Squads, respectively.
Citizen Advisory Committee
Cemetery Board
Hatchery Board
Rehab Board
Tree Board
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Discussion residential electric service responsibilities
The council discussed City Code in regards to residential electrical service responsibilities. Current code states that the City is responsible to provide overhead electrical service. Any resident wishing to upgrade to underground service is responsible to pay the difference of what the cost would be to pay for overhead electrical service. There was extensive discussion on precedence, changing current practices, and updating City Code to reflect the current procedures that have evolved over time. The council agreed to try to examine the Code further on a more regular basis. No action was taken.
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