July 10, 2019 at 5:00 PM - Council Meeting Agenda
Minutes | |
Action on the minutes from June 12, 2019 meeting
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Action on the June 2019 Treasurer's Report
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Approval of agreement with Olsson for professional services to conduct Water Treatment Plant Evaluation - $46,290.00
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Matt Smith addressed the council on behalf of Olsson to discuss the proposed agreement for professional services. Smith explained that upon completion, the study would then go to the Nebraska Water/Wastewater Advisory Committee to determine the best source of funding. Expected completion date is February 2020.
Discussion on Radio Read meter upgrades
Charles Bausch and Graham Fischer then addressed the council on behalf of Core and Main regarding Radio Read meter upgrades. Bausch and Fischer went over the upgrades available to the community. The upgrades that they offer include touch point meters, which the City currently has, drive-by reads that are picked up from vehicles in the street, and AMI meters that can be read automatically with the information sent to software in the office. Pricing options were discussed. No decisions were made.
Passage of Ordinance on vacant property regulations
The Council then discussed a vacant property ordinance. Attorney Miner stated that the maximum fee for a commercial property is $1,000.00 per year and $250.00 per year for residential property. The council decided to study Legislative Bill 256, which provided for state statutes regulating vacant properties, for one month and revisit the issue at the August meeting.
Passage of Resolution #15-2019 authorizing Mayor to sign all documents for Gust 3rd Addn sales
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The council then discussed a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign all purchase agreements on Gustafson Estates Third Addition. Attorney Miner stated there was an identical Resolution for the Second Addition. There was discussion about setting the lot prices based on the assumption of one house being built per lot. Planning Commission board member Terry Baker addressed the council, as did Planning Commission Secretary Theresa Miner. After further discussion, Councilman Scott Hansen proposed the City reserve the right to sell Lot #3 in the event that the City wanted to make 14th a through Street rather than put the current purchase agreements on hold. Councilman Eaton then read Resolution #15-2019.
Passage of Resolution #16-2019 approving Joint Defense Agreement and authorizing Mayor to sign all documents.
The council then discussed the proposed Joint Defense Agreement. Action was tabled until further discussion could be held with the other parties involved in the proposed Agreement.
Appointment by Mayor to fill unexpired CRA seat, and confirmation by Council
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The council then discussed the vacant seat on the Community Redevelopment Authority. Mayor Eaton then appointed Sam Utecht to fill the unexpired Community Redevelopment Authority seat that was Megan Weaver previously held. Weaver resigned as chairperson upon accepting the Economic Development Director postion.
Awarding of bid for engineering services for Michener St Project #18-PW-013
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The Council then discussed awarding engineering services for the Michener Street Project. Three firms submitted proposal documents in response to the City's Request For Qualifications, with Olsson scoring the highest among the scoring committee that evaluated the proposals.
Approval of DD #3 for CDBG #18-PW-013 - $645.00
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Action on request from Balloons 'n BBQ for street closure on September 28, 2019
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Megan Weaver then addressed the council on behalf of the Balloons 'n BBQ committee in regards to street closure for the 2019 Balloons 'n BBQ Bash. She stated the committee is making some changes to the beer garden from previous years that will require some additional street closures. In 2019 the proposed beer garden will start at Second and Main and extend south to the alley intersecting Main Street between Third and Fourth Streets to include Countyline Lanes and Dining.
Approval of Down Payment Assistance Guidelines as amended by Wakefield Residential Development Group
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Weaver then addressed the council on behalf of the Wakefield Residential Development Group. The State removed the restrictions on the NAHTF Guidelines in May of 2019, passing the authority on to municipalities. WRDG then voted to amend their Guidelines on July 9, 2019.
Mayor's public comment period
Sales Tax Update
Legislative Update
Police Review
Nuisance and vacant properties were discussed. The condition of Oak Street going through town was also discussed.
Community Redevelopment Authority
Minutes included in packet.
Planning Commission
No report given.
Park Board
Library Board
Minutes included in packet
Civic Center Board
Minutes included in packet
Fire Department
No report given.
Citizen Advisory Committee
Minutes included in packet.
Cemetery Board
No report given.
Hatchery Board
No report given.
Rehab Board
No report given.
Tree Baord
No report given.
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No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.