April 14, 2021 at 5:00 PM - Council Meeting Agenda
Minutes | ||
Insurance Dividends - Bob Berry
Bob Berry was present on behalf of Northeast Nebraska Insurance Agency to issue the City a dividend check for $20,797.39 from EMC Insurance Company.
Action on the minutes from March 10, 2021 meeting
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Action on the minutes from the March 16, 2021 special meeting
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Action on the March 2021 Treasurer's Report
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3rd Reading & Final Passage of Ord 3-2021 - rezone City owned real estate
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Mayor Eaton conducted the third reading of Ordinance 3-2021, amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wakefield, Nebraska, to change certain real estate now zoned as I-1 Light Industrial District to C-2 General Commercial District, and to provide an effective date.
3rd Reading & Final Passage of Ord 2-2021 to amend Future Land Use Map
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Mayor Eaton then conducted the third reading of Ordinance 2-2021, amending the Future Land Use Map of the City of Wakefield, Nebraksa, to change certain real estate now designated as Light Industrial to Commercial, and to provide an effective date
Consideration of Park Board's request to alter pool hours
Theresa Soderberg was present on behalf of the Park Board to introduce Tiffany Booth as the Manager of the Wakefield Aquatic Center for the 2021 summer. Dennise Urbina and Molly Hoskins have also been hired as assistants.
Update on Football/Track Project
Mike Moody and Matt Farup addressed the council on behalf of Wakefield Community School. Moody updated the council on the timeline of the Wakefield Community School Athletic Field & Stadium Complex. They are currently deciding between four proposals that were submitted and are working on a timeline for completion by spring of 2022. The council and school representatives briefly discussed an in-kind donation of utility extensions, which Administrator Litchfield advised that only three phase electric needed to be extended.
Discussion on purchase of 203 Michener St and set PH date
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The council then discussed the purchase of vacant property at 203 Michener Street. There was extensive discussion on the investment that would be required to acquire and clean up the property. Administrator Litchfield stated to date there have been five other property purchases of infill lots that now have new homes on them.
Update on Water Treatment Plant Project - Bid Procurement
Craig Reinsch joined the meeting on behalf of Olsson via Zoom to update the council on the Water Treatment Equipment Procurement Project. Reinsch shared with the council there was a bid opening held on April 5, 2021 but that no bids were submitted. Reinsch stated the project has already been advertised again and the bids are now set to be opened on May 5, 2021 at 1:30 P.M., with the bid to be awarded at the May 12, 2021 regular council meeting. Reinsch said he will make calls in advance of the bid opening to the plan holders to work through any concerns they might have.
Passage of Res 7-2021 to approve WTP loan agreements
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Consideration to update Community Survey - NENEDD
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Andrea Larson joined the meeting via Zoom on behalf of the Northeast Nebraska Development District. She requested the council to authorize conducting a Community Income Survey. Larson stated the survey last updated in 2014, and updating would be of little or no cost to the City. The surveys would be completely random and anonymous. Larson also stated updating the survey would be necessary to pursue any Community Development Block Grant funding opportunities with the District.
1st Reading and Consideration of Ord 4-2021 to confirm sale of Hatchery Building
Council member Larry Soderberg introduced Ordinance 4-2021. Mayor Eaton conducted the first reading, confirming the sale of certain City-owned real estate to Riewer Properties, LLC, and to establish an effective date.
Consideration on Franchise Fee Ordinance 5-2021
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The council then discussed assessing a Franchise Fee on the City electrical system. Upon conducting the audit of the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year, the City's auditors recommended implementing the fee of 10% on the Electric department to replace the annual transfer of funds from the Electric to General funds.
Val Bard introduced Ordinance 5-2021, instituting a Franchise Fee on the distribution and sale of electricity by the City, repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith, and providing an effective date. |
Action on lease with Countyline Lanes for Liquor License agreement
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Discuss policy for upgrading meters and possible cost share leakage repair with homeowners
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Utility Foreman Mogus addressed the council to discuss possible cost sharing repairs on leaks inside of homes where they have recently upgraded the property owners' meters. Mogus stated the City crew have encountered some minor issues with leaking valves while in the process of installing new meters inside peoples' homes. He said there needs to be a policy in place going forward so the City has protocol to follow. There was consensus among Mogus and the council that anything inside the house damaged by the City during the changing of a meter will be repaired by the City at no cost to the homeowner. The policy will require a signature from the homeowner upon completion of the work. Any repairs required from the water main to the house will remain the responsibility of the homeowner, as is currently stated in City Code.
Authorize Mayor to sign Letter of Intent with NMPP Energy
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Mogus then discussed the Letter of Intent with Nebraska Municipal Power Pool to participate in joint purchasing of metering equipment. The goal of signing the LOI is to lower the cost by purchasing the equipment in bulk pooling with other communities.
Consideration of bid to replace fire hydrant and valves
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Mogus then discussed a bid he received from Zeisler Construction to replace two fire hydrants on Main Street, and water main valves on 2nd Street and also the lagoon. Mogus said he has been waiting on other bids since 2019 and has been unable to solicit any other bids other than Zeisler's. He stated he would like the council to approve the bid from Zeisler so they can proceed.,
Authorize Mayor to sign letter of dispute to Big Rivers
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Approval of lease with Felt Farms for 2021 crop year
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Action to conduct study on drainage at MFI
The council then discussed the need to conduct a study on the drainage of stormwater on the north end of town on and around the Michael Foods Inc. property. No action was taken.
Discussion on use of stimulus money
Discussion on the use of stimulus money was tabled until more guidance was received from the federal government.
Motel Update
Megan Weaver addressed the council on behalf of Wakefield Progressive. She said to date there had not been any updates, but she expected interest to pick up now that the Industrial Tract had been rezoned to allow for motels.
Request for Street closure for 2021 Wakefield Markets
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Weaver stated the Wakefield Markets scheduled for 2021 are May 5th, June 19th, July 21st.
Mayor's public comment period
The council briefly discussed filling potholes and the policy for picking up branches after storms.
Sales Tax Update
Legislative Update
Police Review
Community Redevelopment Authority
Discussion of Workforce Housing Incentive Plan and Jacobsen TIF
Val Bard updated the council on behalf of the Community Redevelopment Authority (CRA). She stated Tom Jacobsen had notified the City that he was ceasing with his plans to build apartments. Attorney Theresa Miner stated he had requested his earnest money back and then the lot would become available to anyone.
Planning Commission
Park Board
Library Board
Civic Center Board
Fire Department
Citizen Advisory Committee
Cemetery Board
Hatchery Board
Rehab Board
Tree Baord
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Action to extend City Administrator employment contract
Action to extend the City Administrator's contract was tabled
Set date for council retreat
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