August 14, 2019 at 5:00 PM - Council Meeting Agenda
Minutes | ||
Action on the minutes from July 10, 2019 meeting
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Action on the July 2019 Treasurer's Report
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Approval of Pay Request #1 for South Main Water Extension Project
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Rod Hanson addressed the council on behalf of Olsson in regards to the South Main Water Project. Hanson stated that at the time the Pay Request was submitted, approximately 95% of the work had been completed. The project has since been completed and advised the council the final pay request and any change orders will be submitted for the next regular council meeting.
Passage of Resolution #18-2019 to approve Olsson as engineer for Michener St CDBG #18-PW-013
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Hanson then updated the council on the agreement to provide engineering services for the Michener Street Project. He said Olsson would likely design the project this right away this fall, put the project out for bid this winter, and begin construction ideally when school lets out next spring.
Action on South Main paving
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Hanson then discussed the South Main Paving Project with the council. He said there would be potential to do this project at the same time that Michener Street is done if the project has been designed and approved by the council. There was also discussion on whether or not to hire a contractor for the smaller projects on the 1 and 6 Year Street Improvement Plan, such as the block of 6th Street between Main and Winter Streets.
Action on request for paving district on for 14th Street
The council then discussed potentially forming a paving district on 14th Street. The engineers estimate to pave 14th Street from Main Street to Highway 35 is approximately $245,000. The council agreed to table and action and research more of the costs associated and discuss further at a later date.
Action to install curbstops on Winter Street
Hanson then discussed installing rods at the curb stops along properties on Winter Street with the council. Utility Foreman Mogus received an estimate from Kay Contracting to install the rest of the rods on Winter Street that were not originally installed during the Winter Street Water Project. Hanson confirmed that installing rods were included in the original engineering of the Winter Street Water Project. After further discussion, the council asked Hanson to provide a copy of the project specifications showing that the rods were included in the plans, and advised Attorney Miner to write a letter to Rutchens.
Passage of Resolution #19-2019 to approve agreement with Nebraska Interactive, LLC for professional services
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The council then discussed the proposed service agreement with Nebraska Interactive, LLC. They contract directly with the State of Nebraska to operate and manage the State's Payport feature, which allows citizens to pay their utility bills online.
Introduction of Ordinance #5-2019
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Ordinance #5-2019 confirming sale of City owned real estate
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Introduction of Ordinance #6-2019
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Ordinance #6-2019 confirming sale of City owned real estate
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Approval of Civic Center lease with Senior Center
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Action on NPPD proposal to energize Gustafson's Third Addition
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Action on Final Pay request for Trail Paving Project #EHN-26(14) - $3,726.60
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Approval of DD#4 for CDBG #18-PW-013 for $810.00
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Ordinance #4-2019 registering and regulating vacant properties
The council discussed a potential vacant property ordinance.
Approval of Mayoral appointment to fill vacant Citizens Advisory Council seat
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The Mayor then asked for council approval of his appointment of Janelle Eaton to fill the open Citizens Advisory Committee term until December 31, 2022.
Mayor's public comment period
Megan Weaver addressed the council on the economic development work that is currently being done in her first few months in the Economic Development Director Position. It was agreed that she would give quarterly reports to the council going forward.
Sales Tax Update
Legislative Update
BREC Update
Police Review
Discussed scams reported around town, along with nuisance properties.
Community Redevelopment Authority
Minutes were provided in packet
Planning Commission
Minutes were provided in packet.
Park Board
Met on Tuesday August 13, 2019 but no written report given.
Library Board
No report given.
Civic Center Board
MInutes were provided in packet.
Fire Department
Chief Adam Ulrich reported on behalf of the Fire Department and Rescue Unit.
Citizen Advisory Committee
No report given.
Cemetery Board
Hatchery Board
Rehab Board
Tree Baord
Passage of Resolution #16-2019 approving Joint Defense Agreement
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The council then discussed Resolution #16-2019. After brief discussion, Council member Scott Hansen moved to enter into executive session for the purpose of conducting a strategy session regarding pending litigation. Council member Val Bard seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the following voted aye: Soderberg, Ross Hansen, Bard, Scott Hansen. The following voted nay: None. Motion carried. Council went into executive session at 7:28 P.M.
Council member Ross Hansen moved to exit executive session. Council member Soderberg seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the following voted aye: Ross Hansen, Bard, Scott Hansen, Soderberg. The following voted nay: None. Motion carried. Council came out of executive session at 7:38 P.M. |
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