February 2, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Public Forum
II. Call meeting to Order
III. Consent Agenda
(Note: Items on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted under one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items at the meeting unless a Board Member requests an item removed from the agenda for separate action.)
III.A. Approval of Agenda
III.B. Approval of Previous Minutes
III.C. Presentation of February Bills for Approval and Payment
IV. Items Removed From the Consent Agenda for Separate Action
V. Reports
V.A. Administrative Reports
V.B. Committee Report(s)
V.C. Lobbyist Report
V.D. LCCC Report
V.E. Strategic Planning Update
VI. Unfinished Business
VI.A. Discuss 2016-2017 Calendar *
VI.B. Discuss Facility Site Planning *
VII. New Business
VII.A. Approve DLR Architectural Contract *
VII.B. Approve Traffic Impact Study *
VII.C. Approve Site and Topographic Study *
VII.D. Approve Purchase of Transportation Equipment *
VII.E. Approve Superintendent Goals *
VII.F. Personnel *
VII.F.1. Hiring of Personnel *
VII.F.1.1. Alex Mathers, Elementary (Upper Elementary) CADRE Instructor
VII.F.1.2. Jill Livingston, Secondary (English), Instructor at BA-18, Setp 5 on the Certified Teacher Salary Schedule.
VII.F.1.3. Joann Pruess, Accounts Payable (District), at $16.00 hourly on the non-certified staff salary schedule
VII.G. Executive Session to Discuss Potential Land Acquisition and Negotiations *
VII.H. Possible Action from Executive Session *
VIII. Time and Date of Next Regular Meeting March 2, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Bennington District Board Room. Committee Meetings to be determined.
IX. Adjournment