Thursday, August 29, 2024 To follow the Special Meeting and Budget Hearing - Board Budget Retreat
Minutes |
1. Call To Order
Called to order at 7:45 AM.
2. Correspondence/Guests/Public Comment to the Board of Education
There were no members of the public present.
3. 2024-2025 Budget Scenarios
a. Mr. Furrow shared financial information with the board and proposed 3 different budget options. After discussion Mr. Furrow will present to the board in the September special hearings a budget consisting of the following:
i. General Fund Tax Asking - $3,232,429 ($4019 less than 23-24)
ii. General Fund Levy - 0.649884 (0.01945 less than 23-24) iii. Special Building Fund Tax Asking - $50,000 ($86,364 less than 23-24) iv. Special Building Fund Levy - 0.010053 (0.018149 less than 23-24) b. With state foundation aid and special education reimbursement included, this represents a 3.66% overall growth in revenue for the 2024-25 school year.
4. Adjournment
Adjourned at 8:04 AM.