March 24, 2020 at 12:00 PM - Special Board of Education Meeting
Minutes |
1. Signature of Notification
2. Call to Order, Roll Call & Welcome Visitors
Meeting was called to order at 12:03 p.m.
2.1. Acknowledge Open Meetings Law
More Information:
The Board of Education reserves the right to enter into Executive Session for the protection of the public interest; or the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual, and if the individual has not requested a public meeting.
2.2. Notice of this meeting was published in the Gering Courier on March 19, 2020.
3. Excuse Absent Board Members
4. Reports and Discussions
4.1. Update from School Administrators regarding the district's extended learning plan during the COVID-19 pandemic.
4.1.i. Continuity of Learning / Extended Campus Learning Plan
Building principals from each level presented their campus learning plans and expectations proposed to launch Monday, March 30. Although there have not been any confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Panhandle, on Sunday the closure was extended through Friday, May 1 under the guidance of Public Health officials. Elementary students will be mailed worksheets every two weeks with the first batch of learning materials to be sent out via USPS this Thursday. Staff members at those buildings have already initiated communication with each household, and are committed to maintaining regular team communication with families throughout the closure with a minimum of two calls per week - one call each from a team of two educators (IE. Teacher and School Counselor). At the secondary grade levels, students will be participating in e-learning via Google Classroom; A platform reportedly familiar to most students as it was in use prior to the current circumstances. Some of the most frequently asked questions received from the community were in relation to how this may affect graduation, prom or musical, for example. Superintendent Hastings stated that due to the unknowns during this unprecedented time they were not able to set forth a plan just yet, but administrators are working to ensure that a graduation ceremony is held to recognize students who have reached this milestone. Also, they hope to still have prom at a later date. However, based on NSAA advisement, they did not forsee musical or any of these other spring activities rescheduling. Hastings indicated that a formal announcement would follow later in the week from the Activities Director. Jennifer Sibal noted the creation of an FAQ page on the district's website balanced with an e-newsletter and social media videos as the most efficient methods of communication. A recent household needs assessment generated over 400 responses and questions within 24-hours.
4.1.i.1. Special Education
President B.J. Peters noted that "equitable learning opportunities are a concern state-wide" as he opened the stage to the Student Services director, Laura Barrett. She stated that all IEP's continue to be serviced as she commended GPS for ensuring students had access to individualized materials and the specialed instructors who are actively formulating plans to continue meeting the goals of these IEP's.
4.1.i.2. Statewide Assessment
4.1.ii. Food Security Plan
Superintendent Hastings noted approximately 450 meals were being provided to families free of charge through the district's 'Grab & Go Meals' program. Safety procedures are in place to maintain the suggested social distancing protocol. He extended his appreciation to Mary Carmen and her team at Taher for their work on the frontlines to make this program possible. Lunch accounts that carry a positive balance will be issued a refund check soon, so families can apply those financial resources elsewhere.
4.1.iii. Staff Plan
In closing, President B.J. Peters introduced Gary Cooper as the candidate selected to serve the role of interim Superintendent during the 2020-21 school year. A contract is in draft, and anticipated to be signed soon. Next, Mary Winn inquired about whether or not the next Student Services Director had been chosen. Hastings noted that interviews for this position as well as the GHS Dean of Students were underway. To conclude, Mary mentioned how impressed she was with all the work that had taken place behind the scenes and the overall plan. Brent Holliday appreciated the flexibility of everyone involved during these unusual times while Josh Lacy recognized the unity among our staff and students. B.J. Peters noted final thoughts as "emotional" as he reflected on the effects on our community, the state and our nation. The meeting was adjourned at 1:09 p.m.
5. Adjourn
6. Contract Approvals