January 11, 2012 at 4:30 PM - Personnel Committee Meeting
Minutes |
1. Attendance
Also in attendance were Don Hague and Tim Meisner.
2. Early Graduation Request
Hague explained that a student who transferred into the district with extra credits has met district graduation requirements. This is the first such request received by the district in over a decade. The student has developed an educational plan that includes college enrollment. High School Principal Eldon Hubbard recommends that the Board of Education approve this early graduation request.
3. Sick Leave Bank
Miles referred to a sub committee to oversee the district's sick leave bank. Five people serve on the committee, including one board member, one administrator, two teachers and one classified staff member. The sub committee has final approval of useage but must follow policy. The Personnel Committee would like to review this process to see if any adjustments need to made and to assure it is being used as intended. Long term disability benefits were also discussed. The sick leave bank is for a member of an employee's family that is not covered under the employee's sick leave.
4. Sick Leave Usage
Hague met with administrators and requessted that classified staff use a minimum of one hour of sick leave at a time. Hague will also distribute a memo stating such.
5. Staff Health Insurance Taxes
Meisner provided an example of a payroll receipt that displayed how taxes are witheld from an employee's salary. A new CIR rule will change the district's contribution to FICA taxes and retirement accounts.
6. NSEA Letter of Recognition
The committee reviewed a letter of recognition from NSEA.
7. 2012-2013 School Calendar DRAFT
The committee was provided with a draft of the 2012-2013 school calendar for review. Hague would like to present it at the February Board meeting.
8. Old Business
8.1. Status Update on Personnel Committee Goals
Hague informed the committee that he is beginning the evaluation process, starting with the elementary principals. He has submitted a request to all elementary staff to provide three strengths and three areas for improvement for their building principals to be submitted annonomously. Hague will use this unput for his evaluation. Miles confirmed that these evaluations will be used to make recommendations in June for merit based pay increases.
The committee reviewed and discussed it's goals.
8.2. Classified Evaluation Form
More Information:
Are revisions needed to conform with other district forms?
The committee would like all district evaluation forms to be consistent in their rating systems.
8.3. Student Drug Testing
Hague has developed a ConnectEd survey that will be sent to parents of all students in grades 7 through 12. The survey will ask if the parent(s) support a reasonable and random drug testing program for students who participate in extra curricular activities. Hague will also publish a newspaper article, which he will attach to his Friday note.
8.4. Recognition of Principals at Negotiating Unit
The committee has not yet heard from the Principal's negotiation unit.
8.5. Bid Approval for HS Window Project
A bid for the last phase of the High School window replacement project will be on the January Board agenda.
9. Adjournment