February 14, 2012 at 7:00 AM - Curriculum Committee
Minutes |
1. Raising the Bar - Test Preparation
A summary of all the interventions being done to prepare our students for the assessments given in the district was shared with the curriculum committee.
2. K-6 Schedule Information
A survey was sent to the curriculum directors across the state of Nebraska. Responses were received from Fremont, Beatrice, Arlington, David City, Elkhorn, Hastings, Papillion, Bellevue, Cozad, Centura, Raymond Central, Ralston, Columbus, and Norris Elementary. The report also contained the Nebraska Department of Education suggested teaching times. Discussion took place regarding the length of the school day and time spent on various areas as compared to the demographics of each district.
3. Projected Teachers in District
Hague dispelled the rumor that Gering Public will be laying off teachers. There may be some movement within the district.
4. District Travel Request
After reviewing the travel requested that were submitted in January, the Curriculum Committee asked about the Model School Conferences. Gering attends these every other year. Therefore, the summer of 2013 will be the next time we send a group of educators.
The committee was informed of pending travel to a Bullying Conference. Six people will travel to Atlanta to attend this conference during June, 2012.
5. Budget Review
All budgets were reviewed and approved.
6. Terra Nova Scores for the Past 8 Years
Martin provided the Terra Nova and Explore scores for the past eight years. The committee discussed the data.
7. VALTS Program, Curriculum Issues
The VALTS program is currently being analyzed for the effectiveness by all involved schools. McLellan is working with the Board regarding changes that may need to be made to the current program. High school principals, Hubbard and Seiler, have visited with members of the VALTS Board regarding the possibility of structuring a program for the Gering students at the high school. Martin will schedule a meeting with Hubbard and Seiler during the May meeting to further discuss this item.
Concerns were voiced regarding dual credit curriculums within the district.
8. Next Meeting Date for Curriculum Committee
The next curriculum committee will be held March 8, 2012 at 7:00 a.m. in the Central Office Board Room.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 a.m.