July 16, 2012 at 5:30 PM - Work Session for Superintendent Search
Minutes |
1. Attendance
2. McPherson and Jacobs
Brunner welcomed Dr. Mike Cunning and Tom Jacobson from the superintendent search firm McPherson & Jacobs. The Board members introduced themselves and provided personal experience and background information to the presenters. Cunning serves as the Superintendent for the Hershey School District. Jacobson has owned and operated this agency since 1991. McPherson & Jacobs were selected to perform the district's last superintendent search and were selected for ESU #13's most recent search. The company has over 14 consultants in Nebraska, with 91 consultants nationwide, all of whom are involved in the education industry. Jacobson provided information regarding their process, including advertisements, transparancy, recruitment and the needs and wants of our Board. The Board would be encouraged to identify community groups that they would like to participate in the process and the entire community will have the option of providing input during the hiring process. An all-inclusive report would be provided to the board after the candidate field has been narrowed down. The firm will do everything involved in the process with the exception of interviewing candidates. The firm can assist in designing compensation parameters, as well as assistance with interview questions. McPherson & Jacobs will also notify those individuals who were not selected. The company's retention rate is 85% for superintendent's that are still in place. Two thirds of their recruits are still in place after a 10 year period. Their services are offered in phases and the cost of phase I is $6,000. If contracted, the district will have a single point of contact and one lead contact at the main office.
Winn referred to an experience of former Board President Kandy Imes regarding the process of hiring current Superintendent Hague and was assured by Jacobs that this situation would be handled differently than at that time. Jacobs continued to state that Phase V includes the identification of performance objectives. The firm can also provide evaluation forms, an updated job description and contract. and offers a two year guarantee. The firm also offers a website that receives approximately 60,000 to 80,000 hits per month. Their suggested timeline for the project was reviewed.
3. Nebraska Association of School Boards
Representatives from NASB introduced themselves to the Board. In attendance were Marcia Herring, Director of the Superintendent Search Service, Sharon Endorf, Event Manager and Field Consultant and Shari Becker, NASB Field Consultant. The presenters thanked the Board for the opportunity to present this service as an option. NASB has provided a search service since 1982. Herring, a former board member herself, indicated that NASB could offer this service from a board's perspective. Sample timelines were distributed and reviewed. NASB also offers a two year guarantee. Their search fee includes advertising at the national level, including at the state conference, and administrative expenses. Travel and lodging expenses would be in addition to their contractd amount. They also offer a website that will advertise the position. NASB submits actual incurred cost bills, rather than averaging, and are very transparent about the entire process. They provide an on-site assessment need for the entire district and visit all buildings. NASB charges 60% of their search fee up front and collects the final 40% only after the search has been completed successfully. Additional topics of discussion included NASB protocol and procedures, which are tailored to each district's dynamics, community engagement, expectations, superintendent contract analysis, ciritical key questions and the goal planning process.
Endorf provided additional information regarding their project timeline, advertising, the application process, applicant visitations, their reference check process and their recruitment process.
Becker referred to NASB's background screening, use of social media, certification searches, ranking systems and offerings, and a summary of each individual that would be provided to the full board for review. .
Herring explained the search fee of $7,500 and stated that this is negotiable, depending on the district needs. She explained NASB's unique protocols, and interview questions that guide the district in obtaining information about technological skills and presentation skills. NASB can provide a fair assessment document that looks at a multitude of facets, and can be onsite when determining the interview process. A currently salary survey will be provided and they will provide suitable data to make a quality hire. NASB also provides follow up support after a superintendent has been hired in whatever time fashion desired. Evaluation documents are also offered to assist in this process. A copy of the application process and a copy of the screening protocol were left with the Board for their review.
4. Adjournment