May 3, 2012 at 12:00 PM - Personnel Committee Meeting
Minutes |
1. Attendance
Also in attendance were Don Hague and Tim Meisner.
2. Recommendation to Hire High School Art Teacher
Hague explained that the Art Teacher had resigned. A replacement has been hired and a recommendation to approve the contract will occur at the May Board Meeting.
3. Recommendation to Accept Teacher Resignation (Cobos)
Hague informed the committee that the Jr. High Math Teacher has resigned to become a football coach in Mitchell.
4. Recommendation to Accept Teacher Resignation (McKibbin)
Hague explained that Northfield Special Education Teacher Micki McKibbin resigned. A replacement has been hired and a recommendation to hire will occur at the May Board Meeting.
5. Recommendation to Accept Resignation (Pauli)
Hague explained that an internal posting was distributed within the school district for this position. Internal applications will be reviewed prior to public advertising. Hague would like the individual hired for this position to have an Administrative Endorsement so they can be flexible in their workload. The High School and Junior High Principals evaluate this position.
6. Recommendation to Accept Resignation (Kissler)
Transportation driver Carole Kissler will retire after this school year. A replacement will not need to be hired.
7. Recommendation to Accept Resignation (Bates)
A resignation letter was received from 5th Grade Teacher Chad Bates. He will be relocating to Minnesota.
8. Administrative Repremand
Hague's Friday Note will detail a recent reprimand for a teacher.
9. Resignations/New Hires
Nine resignation in total were received this year. Hague will attend a meeting on May 4th to determin specific building and teacher assignments.
10. Old Business
10.1. Superintendent Search
Both search firms will present to the Board in July, 2012 during a special work session.
10.1.i. Nebraska School Board Association: July 16, 2012 - 5:30pm
10.1.ii. McPherson & Jacobs: July 16, 2012 - 6:00pm
10.2. Status Update on Personnel Committee Goals
Miles distributed a letter concerning GEA's most recent negotiation response. The committee will request a formal written denial letter from GEA for CIR purposes. Certified staff sick leave use was reviewed. Miles read his written response to GEA to the committee and the members felt comfortable with his wording. Various details about the proposal were discussed.
10.3. Evaluation Checklist
The evaluation checklist was available for review by the committee.
10.4. Administrative Evaluations
Hague is charged with the evaluation of district administrators.
10.5. Administrative Salaries
Hague will present his administrtive salary recommendations to the committee in June. Classified will be treated in a similar manner.
11. Adjournment
The next meeting date and time will be determined at a future time.