October 2, 2012 at 7:00 AM - Curriculum Committee
Minutes |
1. Attendance
Don Hague was also in attendance at the Curriculum Committee Meeting.
2. Goals - Curriculum Committee
The committee spent some time reviewing the goals specific to the curriculum committee. The main goal is to finish adoption of the K-12 Social Studies & Language Arts/Reading Curriculums. The assessment goal is to continue working with the Table of Specifications and Depth of Knowledge resources, incorporating them into daily practice. Hague reminded the committee that principals should be key leaders in their buildings.
3. Budget Review
There were no questions regarding the curriculum and assessment budget review by the committee.
4. Ineligiblity List 7-12
Lists were shared with committee members as received from building principals.
5. Adjournment
The next curriculum committee meeting will be November 1, 2012, 7:00 a.m., Central Office Board Room.
The assessment work session that was to be held prior to the Board of Education is being moved to November. This is due to the release of the State of the Schools Report.