February 7, 2013 at 7:00 AM - Curriculum Committee
Minutes |
1. Attendance
In attendance from the 2012-2013 K-12 Social Studies Curriculum Committee were Angie Brester, Justin Clark, Marsha Kleager, Kory Knight, Barb Knapper, Naomi Morales, Sandi Nochi, and Megan Pieper.
Mr. Eldon Hubbard, Principal at Gering High School, Becky Michael, Instructional Coach/Leadership Representative, and Don Hague also attended the meeting.
2. Election of Committee Chairperson
BJ Peters will serve as Curriculum Committee Chairperson.
3. Social Studies Curriculum
The social studies curriculum was presented to the Curriculum Committee for initial approval. All committee members shared their experience, thoughts, and expertise with the Curriculum Committee. Social studies curriculum committee members were asked questions by the Curriculum Committee and answered their questions.
The Curriculum Committee approved the social studies curriculum to move on for full Board approval on the February 18 agenda.
4. VALTS Program
Hubbard discussed participation in the VALTS program with committee members. Currently Gering has 14 slots available for students.
Hubbard is pleased with the increased emphasis in career academies and rigor in the VALTS program. Students enrolled in the VALTS program are generally juniors and seniors. A Gering counselor travels regularly to the Harms Center to meet with students. Hubbard enjoys occasional visits where students are glad to see him and share their experiences.
Discussion took place regarding the possibility of enrolling students in VALTS and in the high school vocational programs. More conversation is needed. There is a need to update the current VALTS bylaws.
5. HALS Program
Hague indicated that while the HALS program will still be offered at Gering, he would like to have a committee formed to look at options for scheduling during the 2013-2014 school year. There has been concern expressed that students are missing academic subjects such as reading and math to attend HALS.
6. Americanism Committee
The Curriculum Committee will serve as the Americanism Committee for Gering Public Schools. Nebraska State Statue requires that every school board and superintendent be held responsible for the Americanism requirements. Examples of these requirements include knowledge of our nation's history and civil government, singing of patriotic songs including the Star Spangled Banner and America, the Pledge of Allegiance recited, and observance of patriotic holidays such as Lincoln's birthday, Washington's birthday, Flag Day, Memorial Day and Veterans Day.
7. Summer Food Service Sponsor
Hague indicated a request has been received from Diane Coop to try the Summer Food Service program during the 2013 summer. This is a fully subsidized program that would serve breakfast and lunch. The Curriculum Committee agreed with trying this service for one year.
8. Budget Recaps
There were no questions regarding January 2013 expenditures.
9. January 2013 Travel Requests
Four staff members attended the CSIS Conference in Denver, Colorado. Infinite Campus was the focus of the conference.
10. Adjournment
The next meeting will be held on March 7, 2013 @ 7:00 a.m. -- Central Office Board Room.