August 19, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Signature of Notification
2. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call, Welcome Visitors
2.1. Acknowledge Open Meeting Laws
2.1.i. The Board of Education reserves the right to enter into Executive Session for the protection of the public interest; or the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual, and if the individual has not requested a public meeting.
2.1.ii. Notice of this meeting was published in the Gering Citizen on August 15, 2013.
3. Excuse Absent Board Members
4. Consent Agenda*
4.1. *Sequence of agenda items subject to change. Please plan to attend the entire meeting.
4.2. Approval of Agenda/Amendment of Agenda Items
4.3. Approval of Minutes from Previous Board Meetings
4.4. Approval of Claims/Bills
4.5. Personnel Items
4.5.i. Contract Approvals
4.5.i.1. Recommendation to Hire .5 FTE Careers Teacher (Yarnell)
4.5.ii. Resignations
5. Recommendation to Approve Consent Agenda
6. Patron Comments
6.1. The Board recognizes the importance of citizen participation in school business. In order to assure citizens are heard and board meetings are conducted efficiently and in an organized manner, the Board shall set a 3 minute time limit per patron, not to exceed a total of 30 minutes for all comments.
7. Reports & Discussions
7.1. Recognition of Accomplishments
Jr. High School Principal Dora Olivares provded praise for the Jr. High custodians and their hard work at the building over the summer. Olivares stated that the building is the cleanest that she has ever seen and returning staff noticed the difference. This seems to have boosted staff morale.
7.2. Curriculum Committee Report
Peters informed the Board that the Curriculum Committee discussed test scores. The committee's intent this year is to focus on the Language Arts Program. Superintendent Hastings also shared his philosophy and plans for new district technology with the committee. The committee will be reviewing specific test scores in depth at their next meeting and will provide a follow up to the full Board.
7.3. Facilities Committee Report
Upp stated that the Facilities Committee met at the Jr. High and Freshman Academy in August. A tour of the facility was provided and summer work was reviewed, including the window project and the boys locker room ventilation. Doll feels that funding for outsourcing specific summer projects provided time and staff for other projects that were completed by in-house maintenance staff in a more timely manner.
7.4. Business Committee Report
Copsey provided a recap of the Business Committee meeting, where they reviewed the district's bill listing, financial statements, discussed a custodial contract, and discussed budget goals and long range planning. The Board wishes to involve Administrators during this planning so they can hear first hand how the budgget affects their needs and desires.
7.4.i. Financial Report - The Business Committee reviewed all bills for this consent agenda. Bills unique to this month were discussed for clarification. The total amount of bills approved in the consent agenda for the month of July, 2013 by specific funds are as follows:
Meisner provided a verbal recap of district revenues and expenditures. He stated that he would review one fund each month to provide additional detail. This month the cafeteria fund was reviewed in detail. Free and Reduced lunch reimbursements will increase during the 2013-2014 school year. The quantity of free lunches provided to various staff has been reduced.
7.4.i.1. Trial Balance Summary
7.4.i.2. Fund Balances
7.4.i.3. Schedule of Investments Held
7.4.i.4. Financial Statement
7.4.i.5. Revenues: General Fund=$507,027.38; Depreciation Fund=$573.83: Cafeteria Fund=$3.94; Activities Fund=$8,847.77; Fees Fund=$0.
7.5. Personnel Committee Report
Winn provided a summary of the Personnel Committee Meeting to the Board. Time was spent reviewing the negotiated agreement. Superintendent Hastings provided a new perspective and suggested removing actual policies from the agreement. Winn requested suggestions from non-committee members. Meisner provided information on a classified staff pay raise of 2.5%. A draft copy of the classified staff handbook was distributed for review.
7.6. Student Services Report
Student Services Director Candy Hubbard distributed an update to the Board prior to the meeting. Specific items covered included information about a secretarial meeting about student registrations. Hubbard also provided class size estimates.
7.7. Summer School Report
Northfield Elementary Principal Betty Smith shared a Summer School Program summary, including the overall cost of summer school ($26,235.66) and attendance figures. Smith explained the identification process which is done in March of each year by reading coaches, teachers and/or prinicpals. An invitation is then extended and parents determine if their student will participate or not. Staffing needs are then determined by the number of participants. Summer School was held for 3 weeks in June and for 3 weeks in July at Lincoln Elementary this year instead of holding it at multiple sites and it worked well according to Smith. Subjects taught at Summer School include reading and math. A test is provided at the end of the program to determine growth. Smith explained that less than half who are invited actually attend the Summer School Program.
7.8. Superintendent's Report
More Information:
Opening of the School Year
TeamMates Mentoring Program State Education Conference -- November 20-22 Board/Superintendent Goal Planning Session Budget Work Session
Superintendent Hastings hosted a Welcome Back Meeting for all staff on August 15th. He mentioned that he was excited to meet and speak with them. Hastings shared his vision for education in Gering and his plans to integrate more technology. His intentions are to utilize and adopt Google Apps to replace the district's current email system. This move would also provide the district with access to collaboration and free tools that can be used to better develop a 21st Century education. Hastings plans to meet with the Board of Education, community members, staff and students to determine specific district needs.
Hastings stated that the Gering District will continue it's support of the TeamMates Mentoring Program. This is a program where adults meet with their mentee at least once a week to help develop their student's strengths and career plans. The Gering District will provide $6,000 in funding this year. Gering is approaching 50 matches between adults and students.
Hastings reminded board members that the State Education Conference will be held in LaVista on November 20th through the 22nd and asked that they contact Lisa Frahm before Labor Day if they wish to attend.
Discussions about budgets and goal planning have began. Hastings asked that the Board meet at 5:30pm on Monday, September 9th after the Business Committee Meeting to begin goal setting for a 12 month, and a 3 to 5 year plan.
Hastings reminded the Board that NASB's Marcia Herring will be in Gering in October or November to contine work with the Board and Superintendent Hastings to better define roles and to assist in goal setting. This meeting will likely take place during evening hours or on a Saturday morning. It is expected to last approximately 4 hours.
8. Recommendation to Enter into a Hearing for Fee Waivers
Hastings explained statatory requirements require the district to have a public hearing to discuss fee waivers on an annual basis. Meisner provided information on fee waivers and distributions, which includes the fee fund for various activities. Included in his materials was a listing of waivers for students at the High School and Jr. High. There were no fee waivers at the elementary level.
9. Recommendation to Adjourn Hearing for Fee Waivers
1) peters
2) uPP
10. Action Items
10.1. Recommendation to Approve the Access of this Expenditure Exclusion for Additional Budget Authority
10.2. Recommendation to Re-Approve Policy 504.19 - Student Fees
10.3. Recommendation to Approve the Bluffs Facility Solutions Contract for Custodial Services
Each Board Committee reviewed this proposal for elementary evening custodial services. Bluffs Facility Solutions will also provide custodial services for district activities.
10.4. Recommendation to Approve 2.5% Increase to Classified Staff Wages
10.5. Recommendation to Approve the 2013-2014 Classified Staff Handbook
Brunner provided suggestions that he would like to see incorporated into the Classified Staff Handbook. Specific recommendations included language in the "Hiring" section, language pertaining to long term disability insurance and the removal of language in the "Leaves" section. A discussion about the buy back rate for sick leave from classified staff was held. Meisner stated that he would present information at the next Personnel Committee Meeting regarding this change from a 100% to 60% buy back rate. Winn provided her suggested changes/updates prior to the Board Meeting. The number of paid Holidays was also reduced by two, which makes the handbook more in-line with the Scottsbluff District. Language about severance pay was removed and the Board discussed use of cell phones by both staff and students.
11. Tentative Committee & Meeting Dates
Winn informed the Board of a VALTS Board Meeting scheduled at 6pm on September 12th at the Harms Center. Dr. Jerry Upp has been added to this Board since Gering is the largest participant now.
It was determined that the Facilities Committee will meet at Cedar Canyon in September.
Doll reminded all Board Members to find a sub if they are unable to attend a committee meeting.
12. Board Comments
Upp welcomed Superintendent Hastings and stated that from what he has heard and seen he is impressed and apprpeciates his efforts.
Brunner mentioned that he sees a new level of enthusiasm from staff since the Welcome Back Meeting. He feels good, as a Board Member, for hiring someone who can make this district as great as it can be and looks forward to seeing morale and school spirit get back to where it once was.
Winn explained that she had the opportunity to attend the Welcome Back Meeting and enjoyed Superintendent Hasting's message. She appreciates his sence of humor, his spontinaity and how he brings up issues and acknowledges them. Winn also commended Brad Staman of the Gering Courier for their positive coverage of the district and for assembling another annual calendar that is distributed free of charge.
Doll expressed his gratitude for Superingendent Hastings and informed the Board that he and the Superindent are having lunch together once a week. He feels that Hastings has outstanding visions for short term, medium term and long term plans.
13. Executive Session to Discuss a Personnel Matter and Collective Bargaining
More Information:
For the sole purposes of having a strategy session with respect to collective bargaining and a personnel matter.
14. Adjournment