November 16, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes |
1. Signature of Notification
2. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Roll Call, Welcome Visitors
2.1. Acknowledge Open Meetings Law
2.2. Notice of this meeting was published in the Gering Courier on Thursday, November 12, 2020.
3. Excuse Absent Board Members
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Minutes From Previous Board Meeting
4.2. Approval of Claims/Bills
4.3. First Reading of Board Policies
4.4. Second Reading of Board Policies
4.4.i. 104.00 Educational and Operational Planning
4.4.ii. 105.00 Return To School Committee
4.4.iii. 204.02 Special Board Meetings
4.4.iv. 205.08 Board Policy and Temporary Waivers of NDE Rules
4.4.v. Staff Conduct With Students
| 404.02 Employee Injury On The Job
4.4.vii. 501.01 Educational Equity
4.4.viii. 503.04 Addressing Barriers To Attendance
4.4.ix. 504.11 Weapons
4.4.x. 504.21 Dating Violence Prevention
4.4.xi. 505.03 Suspension and Expulsion of Students
4.4.xii. 508.15 Concussion Awareness
4.4.xiii. 801.04 Bus Safety Program
4.5. Personnel Items
4.5.i. Contract Approvals
4.5.ii. Resignations
5. Patron Comments
6. Reports and Discussions
6.1. Recognition of our November 'Bulldog Staff Member Of the Month'
Representing Gering Junior High, Julie Siebke read a heartfelt letter nominating Jan Zitterkopf as the Bulldog Staff Member of the month for November. Mrs. Siebke highlighted that not only is Mrs. Zitterkopf an exceptional, dedicated member of their team, but also a teacher who engages and inspires her students. For this reason, Mrs. Zitterkopf's FCS classes remain popular and often times scheduled full. Board President B.J. Peters acknowledged that for Mrs. Zitterkopf, teaching isn't a job, it's her passion as he expressed his appreciation for her valued role in what makes Gering Public Schools great.
6.2. Gering Tennis/Pickleball Court Revitalization Committee
Zac Karpf addressed the board on behalf of the Gering Tennis/Pickleball Court Revitalization organization. As he introduced several members in attendance, he described their group simply as citizens who care about the community. Area resident Dr. George Schlothauer was credited for initiating conversations and channeling efforts in a casual manner as they "sat on his porch and visited about it" which later grew with momentum from the community support. Photos that were presented highlighted safety concerns such as trip and fall hazards from the deteriorating condition of the courts. Drainage issues were also addressed. In comparison to the new high school, Zac stated this facility, located at the entrance, doesn't present well, as he encourage attendees to stop by and see it if they hadn't recently. Next, Mr. Karpf shone a spotlight many of the positive things happening with the GPS tennis team. Last fall all three of the team's senior boys were offered collegiate scholarships. Unfortunately the girl's season was cut short this spring due to covid. This year, two of the boy's team members advanced past the first round of State competition. Mr. Karpf congratulated coaches Ron Swank, Tim Nagaki, and April Carlson on their team's accomplishments as he recognized them as "great coaches." In addition to school usage, Gering tennis club, consisting of approximately 30 individuals of all ages, utilize these courts. Over past 90-days the revitalization committee had been in discussion with GPS and the City of Gering. Dr. Schlothauer had donated the family's entire sweet corn crop this fall raising over $1,000 in funds to assist with minimizing the cost of the project. There are several grants they believe may be available to further support the initiative. The group was approaching the school board seeking direction before they move forward. Two proposals were presented. The first was a revitalization entailing complete removal of the existing courts and fencing. Drainage concerns would be addressed, and four post-tension concrete courts would be installed. The existing lighting would be kept. A spectator area would be added along with new fencing. The total cost was projected at $350,000. In contrast, a second option, one that Mr. Karpf noted had already been used in the past, would be resurfacing the courts which carried a price tag of approximately $58,000. This would offer a temporary fix and did not address drainage concerns. From a community/economic impact standpoint, Zac also pointed to the fact that revitalization of the existing facilities would allow Gering to host competitions. He indicated "tennis is a sport that appeals to all ages" as he asked the board to consider offering their commitment in the process. "Can this be done? Should we move forward?," he asked as he again highlighted their organizations role in trying to keep the district's cost as low as possible. In closing, he read a letter written by senior tennis player Kayle Morris expressing her appreciation for the program and support of revitalization efforts. Board President B.J. Peters stated "Zac, your passion has caught our attention. We understand the partnership, and we want to continue this. We realize timing will impact the project, so we will make it a priority to try to help your group find the resources to make this happen next summer. Although there are budget constraints we will need to consider in light of the pandemic, we are not asking you to slow down your efforts. It is a safety issue, and we have some great athletes that we want to offer the best tools to. You are here for the right reasons and we appreciate that."
6.3. Personnel/Curriculum Committee Report
Committee chair, Mary Winn recapped their most recent meeting on November 3. At tonight's meeting the board will consider the final piece of the Social Studies curriculum before they proceed to the English Language Arts adoption set to take place next. The proposed quote includes six years of digital access at no extra cost which was not offered in the other packages.
6.4. Business/Facilities Committee Report
Brian Copsey noted that the annual finance audit is currently underway and would be presented at next month's meeting. Brady Shaul indicated that during a recent meeting with Hausman Construction, the lighting in the main gymnasium was evaluated. Mary Winn inquired if this was a design flaw in the construction plan that should be revisited. The committee is unsure, but is discussing. He also noted the new marquee sign at GHS is scheduled to arrive this week, and will be installed soon. The committee had been made aware of network issues affecting the district, and upgrades have been approved. The first negotiation meeting will be held Wednesday night via Zoom between the district's legal counsel, Rex Shultze, and the GEA.
6.4.i. Trial Balance Summary
6.4.ii. Fund Balances
6.4.iii. Schedule of Investments
6.4.iv. Financial Statements
6.5. Superintendent's Report
Superintendent Cooper extended his appreciation to Shelly Muggli who was in attendance for her role in the aforementioned negotiation process and orchestrating annual training for our crisis teams. He also addressed a news release for earlier today addressing a resolution by the Nebraska State Board of Education requesting community support with a mask mandate. Currently, there are 54 active cases in our district which Cooper noted equates to approximately 2.5% of our population. Of these cases, it is projected that the number of students and staff is about 50/50. The number of quarantines are higher, and were described as having the most impact on students/families. In the district's Extended Campus Learning program, there are 65 students presently enrolled: 23-Elementary, 23-Junior High, 19 High School. Nearly half of the students who initially elected to participate in this program have since returned to the traditional, in-person setting.
7. Action Items
7.1. Discuss, consider, and take action regarding the purchase of K-5 social studies curriculum materials from Gibbs Smith Education in the amount of $13,941.90.
7.2. Discuss, consider, and take action regarding approval of the NASB superintendent evaluation tool.
In discussion, Mary Winn inquired about the delivery method(s) of the evaluation. President B.J. Peters noted this would be an online survey. Also, despite the nature of Mr. Cooper's role being interim, an exit evaluation will need to be completed. .
7.3. Discuss, consider, and take action regarding proposed changes to the 2020-21 school calendar.
8. Tentative Committee Meeting Dates
Future Board MeetingsSpecial Board Meeting - Mon, Nov 23 @ 12:00 p.m. (Gering Civic Center)Special Board Meetings, Superintendent Interviews - Mon, Nov 30 - Thurs, Dec 3 @ 6:30 p.m. nightly (Gering Civic Center) Regular Board Meeting - Mon, Dec 14 @ 6:00 p.m. (City Council Chambers) Tentative Committee Meeting Dates:Curriculum/Personnel Committee -- Tues, Dec 8 @ 7:00 a.m. (Central Office)Facilities/Business Committee -- Thurs, Dec 10 @ 4:30 p.m. (Central Office) |
9. Board Comments
Brady Shaul expressed his appreciation for all of the staff at Gering Public Schools, and hopes the additional work days approved at tonight's meeting will be helpful. Mary Winn attended the Western Conference one-act competition hosted at Gering Public Schools last weekend. As she reflected on past experiences, she was grateful for the improvements made in the theater over the past three years. She noted that set changes were nearly impossible without that additional space backstage, and the newly added overhead door was very beneficial. Despite challenging circumstances this year, the student's performance was amazing! She was also impressed with the safety protocols implemented and being followed. Josh Lacy congratulated Jan Zitterkopf on her recognition as Bulldog staff member of the month. He also extended his appreciation to Zac Karpf and the other committee members who attended on behalf of the revitalization group as he shared how community involvement will be a critical factor for moving forward. Next, as both a board member and parent, he recognized custodians and all of the staff at GPS for keeping school open and continuing to keep students growing educationally. Brian Copsey echoed this sentiment noting it is difficult to know how else to express appreciation, but he wants to continue to share that the board will continually do what they can to navigate this impossible situation citing "the goal remains the same - we are all doing our best to educate students." Gary Cooper added that, in appreciation, the cafeteria would be providing Thanksgiving lunch to all staff members on Thursday. Additionally, a special gathering with the district's custodial and maintenance teams would take place on December 16. Board President B.J. Peters continued to address staff saying "This year has been mentally challenging and wearing on all staff; we are aware. I will still adamantly defend the belief that schools are the safest place for our students to be. With the safety protocols that have been in place since the beginning of the year, we are keeping staff and students safe." In closing, Mr. Peters asked the public to please do their part so we can keep schools open.
10. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 7:16 p.m.