January 9, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Call to Order
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Recognition of Open Meeting Law
1.3. Pledge of Allegiance
1.4. Oath of Office for New and Re-elected Board Members - Scott Barger, Mike Langan and Charlie McPherson
Mr. Norgaard swore in Scott Barger, Mike Langan and Charlie McPherson with the oath of office.
2. Organization of Board of Education
2.1. Election of Officers
2.2. By Board policy the Superintendent will chair the election of the President and then the newly elected President will preside over the other elections
2.3. Nominations for Office of President - Vote
Theresa Thomas moved to nominate Brad Hays to be President of the McCook Public Schools Board of Education. Mike Langan second. Mr. Hays will accept the nomination. There were no other nominations. Mr. Brad Hays is Board President. |
2.4. Newly elected President chairs meeting
2.5. Nominations for Office of Vice President - Vote
Tom Bredvick moved to nominate Teresa Thomas to be Vice -President of the McCook Public Schools Board of Education. Mike Langan second. Mrs. Thomas will accept the nomination. There were no other nominations. Mrs. Teresa Thomas will be Vice President.
2.6. Nominations for Office of Secretary - Vote
Tom Bredvick moved to nominate Mike Langan to be Secretary of the McCook Public Schools Board of Education. Brad Hays second. Mr. Langan will accept the nomination. There were no other nominations. Mr. Mike Langan will be Secretary.
2.7. Reappointment of Treasurer
2.8. By job description, the Business Manager is the Treasurer and recording secretary of the minutes of all meetings for the Board of Education. We recommend that the Treasurer should be reappointed each year when the board recognizes and elects officers. The Board would move to appoint the Business Manager as the treasurer and recording secretary for the Board of Education
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2.9. Committee appointments
Mr. Hays asked the board members to email him if they have any preference for committee assignments.
3. Reports, Communications & Public Participation
3.1. Board accepts public comments
3.2. Student board member report
Samantha Rodewald reported on winter activities, including boys and girls' Basketball, swimming and diving, Boys and Girls Wrestling. She gave a report on FFA, and a student council report on color day activities..
4. Approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes and financials
4.1. Approval of Expenditures/Payroll for December
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5. Reports from Staff Members and Committees
There were no committee meetings in December.
6. Administrator's written reports: Please review prior to the board meeting
7. Superintendent's Comments:
Teacher In-service Day January 16 is our District's in-service day. Our professional development focus will be on teacher clarity. Teaching with clarity involves the presentation of crystal clear learning objectives, student understanding of success criteria, explanations of relevance, student involved feedback and valid and reliable assessment. The teachers will also spend their time on that day working with data that has been collected both locally from our criterion referenced tests (CRTs) and from state assessments. And, if time permits, teachers and building leaders will be discussing how teachers in their buildings have implemented the jigsaw method of instruction in their classroom. The jigsaw method is a highly impactful instructional model that we want to start to measure usage of across the District. Staffing and Recruitment Fairs We are entering that time of the school year when we need to spend time actively pursuing teachers for teaching positions as they open up. We have been signed up to attend several teacher recruitment fairs in the next month. Legislative Update There is not much to report at this time due to the fact that the legislative session has just begun, but things will start rolling quickly in the next couple of weeks. The governor has already held meetings to discuss the state aid formula, and from the discussions held at those meetings he will be putting together a plan to address state aid and some form of foundation aid. Of course, we are at a very early stage here, and his plan will have to be promoted by a state senator and go through the normal review and approval process, which takes months. The Legislature's Education Committee members (upon majority vote approval): Murman, Dave (Chair) - dmurman@leg.ne.gov Albrecht, Briese - jalbrecht@leg.ne.gov, Conrad Linehan, Lou Ann - llinehan@leg.ne.gov Sanders, Rita - rsanders@leg.ne.gov Walz, Lynne - lwalz@leg.ne.gov Wayne, Justin - jwayne@leg.ne.gov Four of the members above are also on the Revenue Committee. Teacher Evaluation Tool The building principals are discussing making a small change or two to the teacher evaluation tool. Once the principals have had a chance to make the final revisions, it will go to the board for approval and then to the state for final approval. The changes should be in place prior to the start of the 2023-2024 school year. Board Retreat I would like to set a date and time for later in the Spring to hold a board member retreat.
ESU Board Workshop is Jan 25th from 5:00-9:00 in North Platte. Please let Heather know if you can attend.
8. Business Manager comments
Monthly Business Manager Board of Education Report December 2022
9. Board member comments
Tom welcomed the new board members aboard.
10. New Business
10.1. Accept resignation from Kay Meysenburg, High School Chemistry
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10.2. With gratitude, accept a donation from Albert Cuellar's estate given to the Jr. High to be used for academic purposes.
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10.3. With gratitude, accept a check from the McCook Community Foundation for Bison Days, Bison Kids Club Program, and CNC Router
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10.4. With gratitude, accept a check from the Graff Charitable Foundation for the Boys/Girls Tennis program.
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11. Positive Comments
Scott Barger comment was how awesome Mrs. Donnelan and the Central Stars program they presented to Hillcrest was. He also gave a Positve not to Cory Degnan and the JH Science department for the work in preparing students for the Science Fair. He closed with a huge shout out to Mr. Ben Vetrovsky and the work he does with the TV/Video production students.
Smaantha Rodewlad's positive comment was to Mrs. McNutt and the UNO honor choir and the # of students they are taking and preparing. Charlie Mcpherson made positive comment about how the high school had planned to use the Norris alley for homecoming and had a plan in case of bad weather. He was impressed with the leadership involving the community into an activity like homecoming. Mike Lanagn wanted to give a shout out to the Boys tennis team state championship. He also commented on the girls' wrestling placing 3rd at Norton', The boys' wrestling @ Beatrice, and commented on how strong academics are at mps. Teresa Thomas really praised the maintenance staff for snow and ice removal, and the janitorial staff for keeping halls clear of snow and all that is tracked in. Tom Bredvick thanked the community for all the support and partnership with the grants and donations that continue to be made to the schools. Brad Hays' positive comment was a direct thank you to Al Cuellar, McCook Community Foundation, and Graff Foundation for their gifts to MPS. Jeff Gross commented on Mr. Paul Paz. Mr. Paz has worked extremely hard to keep the HVAC systems going through a very difficult time, and his dedication to MPS is second to none. Grant Norgaard commented on Mr. Chris Wallace and thanked him for all of his work and decisions that he has to make. He also thanked the administration team for all their leadership and guidance towards the teaching staff. |
12. Executive session for the purpose of discussing the Superintendent's evaluation
NE State Statute: 84-1410 Any public body may hold a closed session by the affirmative vote of a majority of its voting members if a closed session is clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual and if such individual has not requested a public meeting.
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13. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.
14. Items for Review