March 13, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |||
1. Call to Order
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Recognition of Open Meeting Law
1.3. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Reports, Communications & Public Participation
2.1. Board accepts public comments
No comments
2.2. Student board member report
Samantha Rodewald reported that spring sports have started. Tennis has started challenge matches, track has their 1st meet this upcoming Friday, the choir fundraiser is next week. State FFA is later this month and the interact club is teaching a country swing dance class for a fundraiser
2.3. Presentation from the Industrial Arts Program
Tyler Jedlecki and Tom Sughroue gave a presentation about the new CNC router and projects that they have been using it for. The CNC router was purchased using a McCook Community Foundation grant.
3. Approve the consent agenda, which includes the minutes and financials
3.1. Approval of Expenditures/Payroll for February 2023
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4. Reports from Staff Members and Committees
4.1. Facilities Committee Report
Mr. Hays discussed the project at the tennis courts and track, and the process for that facility.
He stated that the facilty committee toured the JH facility and heard an update from W design concerning the New Junior high building and upcoming bond issue. Mr. Norgaard reported that any idea of remodeling the JH was a non-starter. The engineers have determined that with a remodel the facilty would need to be replaced in 30 years. We must get 80 to 100 years from this build. He also reported on the potential design and keeping the existing gymnasium. The construction would include a new auditorium and commons area that would join the JH to the current SH facility. |
4.2. Finance Committee Report
Mr. Bredvick reported on their meeting and shared that they toured the JH facility and received a report from W design on the process of the bond issue.
He shared that much discussion was held of the legislative agenda this year and how it will impact our schools and school funding. He discussed state aid, and asked Mr. Gross for a explanation as to why the loss for the 23-24 school year. Mr. Gross reported that due to increased valuations and decreased mill levies, the equalization formula requires more local funding for our district. We will lose approximately $320,000.00 in aid. Mr. Gross also explained the huge loss in poverty dollars. The NDE uses Federal poverty #'s and due to delays from the federal government, they are now using free and reduced #'s from the 21-22 school year. School food was free for everyone and patrons did not turn the forms in during this school year. So, poverty #'s is down over $600,000.00 |
5. Administrator's written reports: Please review prior to the board meeting
6. Superintendent's comments
Parent-teachers conferences The school district hosted a parent-teacher conference last week. The conference went well. Safety training McCook Public School staff went through a safety training last Thursday morning. The focus of the safety training was on student to parent reunification following a crisis event, where students are transferred to a specific location to be reunified with their families. Legislative Update I visited with Senator Murman about the Parental Bill of Rights legislation. I addressed some concerns we have with the bill, and he was very receptive to my suggestions. I have heard reports from others in the state legislature that this bill may not progress this year, but it is still good to work on the bill in the event we see it reappear in future legislative sessions. There are a couple of school funding plans we are in support of. One is referred to as the Nebraska Plan, and the other is referred to as the Pillen Plan. While both plans would benefit McCook Public Schools tax payers, the Nebraska Plan would result in much lower property taxes. Unfortunately, of the two, the Pillen Plan is more likely to move forward. LB 753 has moved forward to select file. This piece of legislation has to do with tax credits and donations given to parochial schools. Other Bills of note:
Mr. Norgaard reported that MPS has been in discussions with the YMCA about continued partnerships. The YMCA is looking at potential new and remodeled space in their facility.
They have approached the school about a shared parking lot that would service the West side of the YMCA and the MHS tennis courts and MHS track. This would be on MPS property. The partnership would allow for the continued use of the YMCA pool for the MHS swim team and allow for use of the new gym space for practices for teams and lower level games. This would allow MPS student athletes to never have to have early or late practices. This is a fluid discussion, and more will be reported to the committees and full board. |
7. Business Manager Comments
Monthly Business Manager Board of Education Report
8. Board member comments
none at this time
9. New Business
9.1. Approve resignations
There were none at this time.
9.2. Approve the 2023-2024 school calendar
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
9.3. Approve contract for Sara Ripp-7th Grade Science Teacher
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mr. Lyons stated that she is a UNK grad and is student teaching at Kearney Catholic. Interviewed well and had great references.
9.4. Approve KSO audit proposal
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10. Positive Comments
Samantha Rodewald congratulated the 27 people who qualified for the state FFA contest.
Theresa Thomas thanked the board for excusing her last month. She followed that with a huge thanks to everyone that shows up to work and does their job. And appreciates our employees work ethic. Charlie McPherson thanked the school for honoring Mr. Hosick and the student body for their outstanding support of him and for his service. Mike Langan thanked all the teachers, paras and administration for their work with students and overcoming the struggles of the aging facilities at MJH. Scott Barger thanked the school for preparing kids in so many different ways. Keeping kids engaged. He also gave the maintenance staff a shout out. Tom Bredvick thanked the legislature for the state property tax credit relief. And brought attention to our patrons to please claim your tax credit. He also gave recognition to our Special Olympic state swimming contest participants. Jeff Gross thanked the patrons for all that they do and for attending so many events for the students. Brad Hays also thanked Mr. Hosick for his service and reported on outstanding spring participation numbers and all clubs and activities. Mr. Norgaard wanted to thank Lisa Gonzels, Sharon Wordekemper, Minerba Dimas and Mr. Lyons for going above and beyond the call of duty. |
11. Adjournment
adjourned at 7:45
12. Items for Review