1. Budget and Finance: See enclosed finance report.
2. Parent-Teacher Conferences: The principals are coordinating plans for the 3rd quarter parent-teacher conferences scheduled for March 10th.
3. Summer Employment: We will have many opportunities for support staff to be considered for summer employment in custodial, food service, and each of the summer sessions. See Dr. Gibbons if you want to be considered for summer employment.
4. 2020-21 Contracts: The board of education is reviewing the support staff salary schedule and support staff contracts for the 2020-21 school year. If you have any recommendations to improve the salary schedule, please visit with your supervisor or building principal. The board's finance committee will finalize any changes to this schedule and will take action on support staff contracts in May.
5. Requisitions/Inventory: COOP Requisitions are due on April 1st. Other requisitions are due May 1st, and inventory must be updated before June 1st.
6. Building/Summer Projects: We are working on the 2020 update to the transportation and building and grounds programs. See File Maker: Buildings and Grounds, Vehicle Replacement, and Large Equipment Replacement
7. 2020-21 School Calendar: I am meeting today with representatives from the SEA to finalize the 2020-21 school calendar proposal. The attached document which was presented to the board of education last month still has one recommended change. Rather than have teachers return on Monday, May 21st for a half day, we believe offering a half contract day to be put in between August 3-7 for teachers to work in their room would be a better use of time.
8. Strategic Planning Document: We are finalizing a draft document to present to the board of education at their March School Board Meeting. We sent a team of administrators and teachers to the National Association of Bilingual Educators to research other ways to work our ELL and Dual Language Programs. One topic that was supported in the Thought Exchange was improved support and intervention support for classroom teachers. We will see what recommendations they bring back. Once the board of education has access to the draft, we will release it to the teachers and support staff for comments and suggestions. We hope to have a final document to the board in April.
9. Nursing Home Update: Thank you to the maintenance staff for your work to get the district building ready for administrative offices. We will schedule our office moves over the next month, hoping to have every office moved by April 1st. Our school board meetings will be held at that building beginning in March.
10. High school new construction and renovation: The high school addition is tracking about 23 days behind due to inclement weather. With some good weather weeks, they should be able to make up some time.
Currently working on floors in the commons area and roofs over the health classrooms and wrestling practice room. Walls in the kitchen and servery are in and they will begin sheetrock next week. Beginning next week, they will be working on the gym roof and begin work on stabilizing the base in the gym.
In addition to the building schedule, they continue to work at preparing and pouring parking lots and sidewalks on the south side of the building.
11. Hiring Process for 2020-21 Staff: Principals are currently attending job fairs, advertising, and interviewing candidates for open teaching positions. We have completed the screening process for the elementary principal and middle school assistant principal positions. We had great interest in these positions and have two pools of quality candidates to bring on campus for interviews with administration and selected teachers from each building. These interviews will take place beginning on Monday and will finish on Thursday. We hope to have both candidates for board approval on the following Monday.