April 13, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
I. Call Meeting to Order
STRIVE - COMMIT - SUCCEED - District Mission Statement Schuyler Community Schools in partnership with parents, students, and the community is committed to educate students to become skilled, knowledgeable and responsible citizens in a global society - District Vision Statement |
I.A. Pledge of Allegiance
I.B. Declaration of Open Meeting
This meeting has been preceded by advance notice and is hereby declared to be in open session. A copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted in the front of the meeting room. Nebraska Open Meetings Act: http://nitc.nebraska.gov/documents/statutes/NebraskaOpenMeetingsAct_current.pdf |
II. Approval of Consent Agenda
Discuss, Consider and Take Action on the consent agenda
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the consent agenda Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
II.A. Agenda
II.B. Minutes
II.C. Acceptance of Claims
II.C.1. Bills of $5,000 or more
II.D. Financial
II.E. Other Listed Reports
III. Public Forum - We ask that all presentation be limited in their length.
III.A. Recognition of visitors and guests
III.B. Other topics (limited to 5 minutes - subject to guidelines of the Board Participation Policy)
IV. Action Items
IV.A. Board Policy, Handbooks, and Support Programs
This committee is responsible for annual review of board policies, handbooks, and crisis/safety plans. This committee is also responsible for the support and development of support programs(nursing, food service) in the district.
IV.A.1. Consider, discuss, and take action to approve the board resolution to suspend 2019-20 graduation requirements and curriculum related policies, except for those policies the superintendent and board president jointly determine to remain in effect.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and with the shifted student learning from the physical classroom to a distance or remote learning setting, our legal council has recommended the board adoption of this resolution to encompass any and all board policies that may be compromised for the 2019-20 graduates. Attached below is the board resolution that allows the superintendent and board president to review present student progress and work with high school administrators and guidance counselors to ensure no student is placed at a disadvantage for graduation. The resolution encompasses any and all policies so that the board does not have to act on separate policies affected by the mandated school closure. The superintendent will provide a report of considerations and recommendations at the May School Board Meeting.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the board resolution to amend graduation policies and practices due to the COVID-19 pandemic school closure. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IV.B. Budget, finance, negotiations, and personnel
This committee is responsible for budget, finance, and contract negotiations with administration, certificated staff, and support staff.
IV.B.1. Consider, discuss, and take action on the district property and casualty insurance (including the worker's compensation) provided by EMC represented by the Schuyler Agri-City Insurance.
Holly Hild, representative from Agri-City Insurance Agency, LLC visited with Penny Janousek and I to review the district insurance renewal premiums with EMC for the 2020-21 school year. See attached renewal summary and property value changes.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the proposal with EMC Insurance Companies for the 2020-21 school year. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IV.B.2. Consider, discuss, and take action to accept staff resignations
Teacher Resignations 1. James Kaiser: SMS Social Studies Teacher 2. Jason Trautman: SMS Language Arts Teacher 3. Mandy Petersen: SCHS Library/Media 4. Martha Vanessa Gascon-Guarcas: SCHS Spanish Teacher 5. Logan Farley: SES Music Teacher 6. Kristy Andel: SES Teacher 7. Hanna Sedlacek: SES Teacher Support Staff Resignations 1. Marv Aldrich: District Grounds Keeper
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to accept staff resignations, wish Marv well in his retirement, and thank them for their past service to the district. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IV.B.3. Consider, discuss, and take action to accept new hire recommendations
1. Isabel Zelasney: SES Teacher 2. Nicole Cepel: SES Teacher 3. Alexie Schuyler: SES Teacher 4. Daryl Kubik: SES Teacher 5. Taylor Bennett: SES Teacher 6. Hannah Girard: SES Teacher 7. Stephanie Barry: SES Music Teacher 8. Lori Schultz: SMS Social Studies Teacher 9. Erin Struebing: SMS Language Arts Teacher 10. Nicholas Arlt: SMS Math Teacher 11. Sandra Pospisil: SCHS Math Teacher
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve new hire recommendations as presented. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IV.B.4. Consider, discuss, and take all necessary action to approve administrative recommendation of 2020-21 Certificated Teacher Contracts.
The Nebraska Continuing contract law automatically renews contracts for all certificated employees (teachers and administrators) on April 15th. All teachers who have not resigned or notified of non-renewal or termination are on the list for renewal. See attached list.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve 2020-21 returning teacher contracts as presented. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IV.B.5. Consider, discuss, and take action to approve program director salaries for the 2020-21 school year.
The finance committee met and reviewed program director contracts for 2020-21. In addition to the returning director/coordinators, we are also recommending canceling our contract for the School psychologist and hiring our current school psych to continue working for us under our contract. See attached information. Program Directors Penny Janousek: Business Manager Ronnie Mundil: Maintenance and Transportation Director Jeff Droge: Technology Director Jamie Ramirez: Food Service Director April Becker: School Psychologist
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve 2020-21 program directors and school psychologist contracts and salaries as presented. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
V. Discussion Items and Reports
V.A. Principals Reports
Preschool and SES 3-5 Principal's Report: Mr. Comley Program/Staff Member Spotlight: This month I would like to highlight Ingrid Rodriguez. While I was on quarantine, Ingrid went above and beyond and was my contact for the 2 weeks I was out. Ingrid organized many things at SES that happened over those 2 weeks and things ran extremely smooth. She really stepped up and helped SES as not only myself but Mr. Kovar was also gone. I want to say a big thank you to Ingrid!!!! SES K-2 Principal's Report: Mr. Kovar Program/Staff Member Spotlight: I would like to highlight the work of Andra Pracheil, 5th grade teacher at Schuyler Elementary School. My observations of Mrs. Pracheil come from both the view of an administrtor, and a parent. I have always known Andra to be a great teacher who does what is best for her students, but this year, I get to witness it as a parent. Andra has done a great job of communicating with her students and parents during this difficult time. We are well informed, and know that we can go to her, if we have any questions. She has set up zoom's for her students to get to see her, and each other. She has made this whole experience a little easier for Miles, and for that I am very grateful. Rural Schools Principal's Report: Ms. Bebout Program Spotlight: Positives highlights that have come out of this hard time. Cindy Vacha - Expressions of love and appreciation from parents and students. Also parents sending pictures of kids working on their packets and suggested websites with smiles on their faces! Michelle Shonka - Have had the chance to get to know and spend time with other staff members in our building that I normally don’t see much of on a normal school day. Jennie Stutzman - All my students were on Zoom at one time. I've had students email me all kinds of stories. I had two cards made for me when they picked up packets. Lots of miss yous. Cathy Luce - Upper grades have given challenges for students to do while completing their work..example..in the dark with a flashlight..standing on their head..etc. We have had some funny examples sent back to teachers showing the students doing these!! Cindy Vacha - Amy Didier came this morning to get the sanitizer. She was very grateful!!! I referred her to Eliza Bailey who is making masks and she got 12 masks from her for the workers at Didiers. They are on the front lines of this every day. Guadalupe Ramirez - I was able to facetime some of my students:) Aimee Sigler - Students have requested daily STEM activities because they enjoyed the first ones so much. All our 6-8 student packets were picked up before noon. Students continue to text, email and zoom on a regular basis. Kirsten Weis (student teacher) - I was able to see and talk to one of my students who lives a few doors down from me yesterday while she and her older brother were playing outside. I kept my social distancing of course. She said that she misses the teachers the most but she likes the activities from the packet. :) Jenny Hamernik - Zoom meetings with my kids. Kara & Justin's concert field trip (has had over 14,000 views, 95 shares, and 200 comments!!!) Connecting with my students through emails. Kristi Benck - Many students came with their parents to pick up their Learning Packets just to be able to see teachers and say, Hi!! In doing the Return to Learn document, it was evident that most if not all priority standards had already been taught which means our planning in August and scope/sequences are beneficial and important for guiding instruction. Deb Gonsior - More social time with coworkers because of no students provided a closeness with coworkers. Maria Bonilla - Cool con Dual has 20 subscribers now! I had several students and parents tell me that they love our videos. :) SMS Assistant Principal's Report: Mr. Zavadil I would like to highlight all of the positive work that our teachers para’s and support staff are doing during this troublesome and difficult time. Our entire Middle School staff has been going above and beyond in this time. Our staff put out the packets and all but 17 students came in to pick up the paper packets during the 1st packet pickup and we expect even better for packet #2. Many of our staff have been going beyond and creating online learning platforms on which students can work and many students are making contact with our teachers regularly. Many of our teachers are hosting Zoom meetings with their R-Time students to stay in touch and others are creating online video’s to share with students. The District tech team has been doing a fantastic job of sharing resources with our teachers and they have taken the work to heart. Our staff has been extremely professional and they have been meeting with Mrs. Burton and myself daily via online video meeting platforms and Mrs. Burton and myself have been working closely with Dr. Gibbons to advance our curriculum work during this time. Para-professionals have been using this time to gain further training through the ESU and through Project Para online. Support Mrs. Recinos is being recognized nationally for her work with Telemundo Nebraska creating lesson videos and sharing them with Spanish speaking students. Staff in our building have set-up standing online meeting times with our students and have communicated that. Mrs. Hanna, Mrs. Maxwell, Mr. Gutierrez, Ms. Cruz, Mrs. Saalfeld, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Recinos, Mrs. Wemhoff, Mrs. Nolan, Mr. Baptiste, Mrs. Mally, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Rocheford, and Mrs. Ladwig have all shared that they are meeting with their students regularly with online meetings and other staff such as Mrs. Novacek have been creating online learning videos and sharing them with students via Google classroom. Jaime Ramirez has been doing a fantastic job leading the lunch program out of the middle school. They have a well oiled machine churning out meals to our district families every day. Sometimes as many as 2000 meals served. This has been a difficult time for our staff, but we all working as hard as we can to make sure that when we are allowed to return to work that we will hit the ground running and in a better position than we were before. SMS Principal’s Report: Mrs. Burton SMS has had quit a bit of transformation over the course of the last month. Thankfully, our staff has responded wonderfully. Here is just a list of some of the good things that have happened in our building since May 17: *Teachers are holding numerous Zoom and Google Meet opportunities with students. When they are not connecting with a student, they are calling the students in their R-Times to connect. *Thousands of meals are being served each week by our food service staff under Jamie Ramirez’s direction. Members of the SMS Para Team have assisted with parents and students at the 9th Street Entrance. Mrs. Geralyn Shannon has been a consistent fixture, regardless of the opportunity to work from home or school. *Our SMS Team came together to clean out the lockers and prepare all student items left in classrooms, locker rooms, and lockers for pickup on Tuesday. Mr. Zavadil and Mrs. Kment did an excellent job organizing this! *There is a new painted mural on our 10th Street Window! Mrs. Marisela Lopez painted it in order to welcome and encourage our families on Packet Pick Up Day! *Mrs. Recinos and her assistants, Ms. Paloma Arciva and Mrs. Mary Herrera, have been conducting lessons on You Tube for our ELL students. They were even featured through News Channel Nebraska for an international premier on Univision! *Mrs. Kment started early on scheduling this year. Our R-Time teachers already had scheduling meetings with students and parents. In addition, we have reviewed all course policies for board approval in June and The SMS Course Catalog, as well as prepared all rosters for courses. Special kudos goes to the ELL, Special Education, Science, and Math departments for their work! *We have increased our meetings to have a higher touch for all staff. Our staff meets daily online together, as well as weekly as teams, School Improvement, and SEA/Admin. *Our curriculum work has been spectacular! Each department is focusing their efforts on Wednesdays to assist one another with this work. Most of our 6-8 work was completed, but this has given us more time to fine tune efforts. *Our entire paraprofessional staff is working on increasing their levels of training. Thank you to Mrs. Maxwell for her leadership in this area for our staff! *The Custodial and Maintenance Team have been outstanding. They have begun painting walls, varnishing woodwork, changing ballasts, as well as assisting staff with various needs as they clean and organize their classrooms. *Mrs. Lauri Novacek has been sharing out several technology tips for our staff to keep in mind, as well as guidance from Mr. Droge and his team. *There really isn’t enough room to fill ALL that our staff has done to help one another during this time. I fear that I have left out so many things that I have not seen. Our staff is special, and they have really demonstrated what servant leadership looks like in the good times and the times that call us to grow at a higher level. Finally, Big thank you Mrs. Angie Wemhoff for sewing masks for each of our cafeteria staff workers and administrators. It was a great boost for the team! SCHS Assistant Principal's Report: Mr. Kasik I have been very proud of how our staff has met the sometimes difficult challenges since March 16th. I apoligize for those who I miss but I wanted to shed some light to those who have really been leaders during this time: - All the teachers who have been in our school developing really thoughtful packets as well as all the work they have done moving items to get ready for our in-school renovation project. - Amy Johnson and Katie Bertrand have done a great job working with students. Ms. Johnson's job has been much more difficult trying to get senior scholarships completed. - Our front staff, Coralie, Alejandra and Florencia have worked very hard on their daily jobs but also getting packets out and greeting everyone with a smile each day. - Erin Trotter, Casey Harper and Charles Hosier have been doing a lot of work on our landscaping areas to improve the appearance of our buildings. - Renee Brabec has been extremely helpful with all the activity work while I have needed to spend more time with our teaching staff and our priority plan. - Mr. Grammer has been very patient with Dr. Lefdal and myself and is doing what he can from home as he stays safe. - Dr. Lefdal has been a great leader in our school during this time and is willing to help out in any area that is needed. - Lyn Beebe continues to step up and encourage our staff to do the right things during this time. He leads by example and is not afraid to call out another staff member when they stray from the flock. - Our Janitorial staff has been very busy and doing great work to make our buildings better. - Dan Wolken needs to also be mentioned. He was recognized by other coaches and AD's by his nomination for Central Conference Coach of the year for his work with our girls BB program. His positive attitude and encouragement was unmatched by any coach I have witnessed over 31 years in the business and others noticed this as well. High School Principal's Report: Mr. Grammer Recognition: During this challenging time so many of our staff members, certified and classified, have stepped up and took on responsibilities above an beyond their classrooms. I am proud of those staff who have served as leaders in our building. I would like to recognize some of these individuals and groups, which are vital programs to the success at the high school. • First and foremost Mr. Kasik and Dr. Lefdal have been great leaders in our building, throughout this time. Having to do things that we have never had to do before and have done a great job. • The lunch program allows students who at times struggle to have meals at home, get an opportunity to get meals every day. Our food staff work hard every day to provide healthy meals for our student’s. • Our custodial staff, who continue keeping our schools clean and keeping the school safe for staff to work in. • Teachers have been positive and willing to assist in doing whatever needs to be done in the building. Whether it is cleaning throughout the building, moving furniture, and landscaping, they do it without question. All the while still providing academic packets for their students. • Our tech department has been pushed to the limit with the new technical challenges they are facing. The only way to keep meeting and still be safe is through the Zoom meeting program. This puts a strain on the tech depart- ment to keep running throughout the day. A job well done. • Last but not least is our paraprofessionals and other support staff. They continue to work and provide assistance wherever they are needed. Without them being at work, it would be hard to keep our building open. Thank you to all for staying positive for our students, parents, and community. |
V.B. Directors Reports
Warrior Academy - After-School Program Director's Report: Ms. Bebout Program Highlight: Positives that have come out of this hard time. ASP was able to donate the rest of our snack program items to the lunch program!! The coordinators have been posting daily challenges on Warrior Academies facebook page. They have received very good feedback. Students need some fun activities to do to break up their day! Youth Sports Director's Report: Mr. Kovar Youth Softball and Youth Soccer have been postponed. We are now looking at planning for next year, including calendar, ordering, and staffing. Those plans will be in place in order to help with as smooth of a transition as possible. SMS Activities Director's Report: Mr. Zavadil It is no surprise that the middle school track season has been cancelled. The SMS coaches and myself are working on ways to honor our SMS athletic achievements either remotely or at a later date. Mr. Kasik, Mr. Kovar and myself have been working together to discuss staffing of our extra-curricular activities. We have a number of great coaches coming back and also some new additions that we are excited about. SCHS Activities Director's Report: Mr. Kasik As you know the NSAA has cancelled all spring sports for the remainder of the year. This is certainly difficult for our athletes and coaches. As we move forward understand that we continue to meet as a staff and make tentative plans for summer activities. I am also in regular conversations with our conference schools to discuss measures that they are taking during these tough times. We still are holding on to the idea that we will have some type of spring recognition for our athletes as well as our end of year awards. We also are hopeful that we can offer our students some type of prom and a graduation ceremony. As we move forward we will finalize these plans and make this information public. Thanks for your patience throughout this process.
Ms. Johnson has shown what it takes to make things work. She has been working with students on applying for scholarships. She even created a drop off area in her front yard, complete with pencils, paper, envelopes, and whatever else the students would need to make sure they met their deadlines. The staff has been working to help move items out of storage for the construction project. We would ask for volunteers over the intercom and we had so many people willing to come and help. Watching our staff support and help each other has been nothing short of amazing. Our front office staff has been organized, efficient and simply amazing. The maintenance and janitorial staff have done some amazing things at the high school. Although the projects seem never ending, they are always willing to help! They are doing amazing work! We have a number of teachers that are reaching out to their students via zoom meetings. Rick Carter, John Sayer, Drey Keairnes, Brandi Zavadil are a few that have been using this technology to try to answer questions on work or even teach and reteach content. It was great to see how many students picked up their packets from school. We had 84 packets to be mailed out of 642 packets. Amazing! Science Curriculum Adoption: We are going ahead with our adoption of the Discovery Education Techbook, even though we haven’t had the opportunity to pilot it. We will discuss professional development opportunities in the next few weeks. Curriculum Development: While we are in our remote learning protocol, we are going to spend some time doing our curriculum work. Wednesdays have been set aside for that work. Here is the schedule and the expectations we will have. Schedule: Wednesday, April 29 9am to 10am - World Languages Wednesday, May 6 9am to 11am - CTE Director of Special Education Report: Mrs. Vrba
Almost every day I have felt blessed to work with such a committed team of teachers and paras, I have been amazed and speechless during these difficult times of some of the creative ways that services are being provided for "our kids"! None of the SPED laws have changed or revised "just a little", we have been doing MDTs/IEPs via telephones hooked to zooms or a translator speaking directly to the parent on the telephone as the teacher is talking to the rest of us via zoom! To showcase their commitment and dedication, a Prior Written Notice had to be sent to every single student's parent that receives sped services. Greg Perry sent us the document at 3:15 on a Friday afternoon and on Monday morning they were all sent out! During this time, we have seen teachers helping teachers who couldn't be here or paras translating for anyone and everyone that needed them in the building. Henry Ford's quote defines my team perfectly: "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success!" (BOOM...and the mike drops!)
V.C. Superintendent's Report
1. District Staff/Admin Meetings: All district administrator and staff meetings are posted on the meeting site. In addition, all staff meetings are recorded and on the board recorded meeting site. 2. School Board Meeting: The governor has issued an executive order to allow board meetings to be held electronically. With this option, you may stay home and still participate via electronics. Sally will send you the zoom link with your other meeting packet. 3. Public Meeting Room: The meeting is advertised as a public meeting at 120 West 20th Street at the Schuyler Community Schools Board of Education Room. If we have more than 10 people in attendance, we will have an overflow room set up for people to participate in another location in the building. All administrators will be required to attend via zoom. 4. Misc. Communication: Attached below is a list of misc. correspondence to keep parents and staff informed on a weekly basis. See the web page and meeting page for more information.
V.D. Board Member/Committee Reports
VI. Correspondence Items
Retirement letter from Barbara McGowan.
VII. Adjournment
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to adjourn Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.