August 21, 2018 at 9:00 AM - SAA Weekly Meeting
Minutes |
I. Discussion Items
Respect - Responsibility - Effort 1. Book Review: (Leverage Leadership 2.0) (Introduction: Dr. Hoesing) 2. Lunch Program: Senator Walz requested each building to respond to her request inquiring current practice in your building for dealing with negative lunch balances. Send your response to me and I will present one district response. Also, please review your student lunch accounts and clean-up any balances remaining from the 2017-18 school year. As of September 1st, all negative lunch balances remaining from 2017-18 for free/reduced lunches will be eliminated. 3. Attendance and Tardies: Attendance is an administrative issue. We currently track student absences and work with Sidnee at SMS/SCHS on working with families to make sure they stay in compliance with state law (5 absences per quarter). Tardies on the other hand are teacher issues. You track tardies in the office, but administration must work with teachers to reduce the number of tardies. 6. September District Program Meetings: Sept. 26th: Custodial/transportation @ SCHS East Gym (2:15 PM) Sept 26th: Food Service Staff @ SCHS East Gym (2:15 PM) Sept 28th: Para/Office Support Staff @ SCHS East Gym (2:00) SES Music Room (3:00) 7. Teacher Evaluation Instrument: We need to send our new iObservation evaluation system to NDE for approval. Once approved, the board of education must approve any changes or updates to our present evaluation system. I would like to present the updated iObservation instrument for board approval on September 17th.