December 18, 2018 at 8:10 AM - SAA Weekly Meeting
Minutes |
I. Discussion Items
1. Book Review: (December 18) Chapter 4 (181-217): Professional Development - Darin Kovar 4. First Semester Teacher Evaluations: All probationary teachers must have a formal observation (entire class) completed during the first semester. Please make sure you have these completed and submitted prior to Christmas break. Also, if you have any teachers who you are putting on an improvement plan, this needs to be completed ASAP. Make sure the improvement plan includes documentation, that if completed, provides you the documentation and confidence in extending their contract for the 2019-20 school year. 5. Early Retirement Eligibility: We updated the list of teachers meeting the minimum age of 55. In order to be eligible for state retirement, they must also meet the Rule of 85. In order to be eligible for an early retirement district incentive, they must also have a Masters Degree or equivalent and 10 years of service. See List of teachers meeting the minimum age of 55. 6. Gallup Clifton Strengths: Please make sure all of your building staff completes the survey prior to Christmas break. 7. Professional Development Workshop: We are working on the schedule for the professional development workshop to be held on January 21st. Lyle Wells from the Flippin Group has agreed to do our keynote presentation. We will also host trainers and consultants from Renaissance and ECRA Group. Dr. Gibbons will discuss schedule options with the group.8. ECRA School Intelligence Platform: ECRA will have their consultant here on January 21st. Our goal is to have ECRA consolidate all of a school district’s performance data into a single integrated environment to support decision-making. ECRA Group helps school leaders market and brand their district’s vision for stakeholders. They provide effective strategies that help school leaders tell their district’s story by defining success, and by prioritizing a small number of evidence-based school quality indicators and benchmarks. ECRA Group’s professional development helps school leaders engage stakeholders around a portrait of a graduate that moves beyond standardized test scores toward a multidimensional and personalized set of indicators that collectively capture a more modern definition of readiness. To learn more about ECRA, please go to the website at: 9. OCR Review: 2017-18 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC), the Advance Website (AWS) is still NOT OPEN! Kim said the site has not opened yet and will contact you when it opens if she needs information from you. 10. 2019-20 Calendar Discussion: Dr. Gibbons will have a draft calendar for the 2019-20 school year with the corresponding dates for 2018-19. I will meet with the SEA later in January to discuss their input. |