Wellness Warriors 2013-2014
Schuyler Community Schools
Chair- Carol Reha- SMS, Preschool, Rural Vice Chair- Pat Knutson- SMS
Sec/Treas Laurie Schlautman-SES Human Resources- Marlene Hartman-SCHS
Shari Freeman-SES Darli Vrba-SES Nancy Johannes SES
Paula Kment SMS Elizabeth James SES Jayne Hlavac-SCHS
Bonnie Zrust SCHS Laurie Novacek-SMS Shalomi Meier- SES
Sue Steffenmeier-SMS
Meeting Attendees are in Bold.
Agenda 10/11/2013
- Two new Wellness Warriors have joined our team! Elizabeth James-SES and Shalomi Meier- SES
- Report from our Wellness Conference reps who attended Pathways to Success in Kearney Sept 26th. Shari Freeman and Nancy Johannes attended the conference. Shari reported that the featured speaker focused on the importance of humor in wellness. The conference was divided into two strands: Wellness and Safety. Nancy and Shari attended the various workshops and collected information on both wellness and safety. Nancy and Shari also shared support for the grab-n-go breakfasts, the importance of healthy choices, and implementing movement programs (walking) to encourage students to become more active. Shari also shared that the conference speakers also shared the importance of making a choice to be happy in our lives and in our jobs. The joy is not in the goal, rather, in the process of progressing toward their goals. Visualize how you want your day to go and plan to make it go that way. The wellness committee visited about how to get these ideas incorporated into our buildings. Because October is "salad month" the committee agreed to promote a super salad day sometime in October. Finally, the group shared information about an App for the iPad to promote fitness.
- PHA – Has been scheduled for Dec2-20th. Info will be coming to our email accounts- most important thing is that they print out the report when finished! Deadline is 6:00 pm on Dec 20th!. Carol shared that the information will go out to individuals who want to participate in the program. If staff have trouble accessing the information, please contact Marlene or Carol for assistance. Staff must printout the report when completed in order to have proof of completion. The gift card will not come until January.
- Biometric Screenings Dec 6th ½ day of school, will be held in the Gym at SMS. Biometric screening, BP, Ht, WT, BMI, finger stick, cholesterol, blood glucose, results immediately available. Vascular screening – over 50 or those with health conditions, Carol will check for those who have questions. Vascular studies of aorta, carotids, extremities. Carol shared that they will start the screenings at 7:00 AM and run throughout the day. Staff will need to make appointments and preregister for the screenings. Results will be made available immediately. Because these are fasting studies, we will provide healthy snacks for staff throughout the morning.
- Next meeting will be November 22nd at 2:15 PM