September 3, 2013 at 9:00 AM - SAA Weekly Meeting
Minutes |
I. 504 Workshop in Fremont
Larianne notified us last week of a 504 workshop in Fremont on October 16th from 9:00 to 3:30 at Fremont Public Schools Main Building, 130 E 9th Street. The workshop summary below outlines the topics to be covered in the workshop:
Section 504 has been in place for almost 40 years and yet it is still a generally misunderstood area of
education law. However, Section 504 has been an increasing area of enforcement emphasis for the Office of Civil Rights. In this session, an overview of Section 504, including changes that affect K-12 school districts will be provided. Among other issues, Karen will review what schools should do about students who have allergies, the special discipline rules for 504 students and an important update on how 504 affects sports. Participants will also have the opportunity to draft a sample 504 Plan, a sample 504 manifestation determination and will receive copies of suggested 504 notices and other forms.
II. Substitutes hired for Friday's or on days when we have early dismissal.
The master agreement outlines leave time for staff in 2 hour increments, however, substitute teachers will be paid to the nearest full period. If you have regular staff members covering the vacancy, they will be paid at $15 per period. Regular substitutes will be paid a minimum of 4 periods. Anything beyond half-day but less than a full day will be paid by the period.
There was discussion about being consistent between buildings and that the middle and high schools have earlier dismissal times. They also discussed the possible needs for substitutes to cover after-school duties for staff members to be able to attend scheduled meetings. The administrators agreed that Friday substitutes would be paid on a 7/8 day at all buildings and that substitutes would be expected to stay until 2:30 PM on Fridays. Regular substitute pay is $120 per day. Friday early dismissal will be paid at $105.
III. District Level Meetings
We reviewed the district level committee meetings on the district meeting portal. The meetings are posted in the development tab allowing administrators to post requests for meeting agenda items.
In an attempt to create better communication between the teacher's association and administration, we will expand the monthly meeting schedule to include a time to meet. I am working with the Schuyler Education Association about who will represent the association/building at the meeting. I will work with the officers of the teacher's association on agenda items and dates/times for those meetings.
IV. September classroom observation schedules
Thank you to those who have completed and given me their staff information form. It is important that you schedule time for classroom observations, or your time will get consumed by the day-to-day office requirements. I don't need to see your schedule ahead of time, but will require you to submit your list at the end of the month. If you would like, I can give you a form listing the teacher, date, time and observation length. This is all the information I need at this point.
V. Administrator Reports for September School Board Meeting
You will submit items for the board meeting the same way you submit items for our weekly SAA meetings. We can review the process if you have any questions. September reports should be submitted by Wednesday, September 11th.
VI. Discussion on First Semester Administrative Goals
The board of education will be meeting October/November to develop 2014 board goals. The administrators visited about possible administrative goals for the first semester, until the board goals are set in January. Administrators were asked to review the goals outlined below and finalize our recommendation to be shared with the board of education at the September school board meeting. Below are the goals as discussed at this point:
1. Budget and Finance: Develop and implement a balanced budget to improve our cash flow within the general fund and develop monthly reports to reflect current receipts and expenditures.
2. Communication: Develop and implement district-wide department and administrative meetings to improve communication, build trust, and promote greater collaboration between buildings in the district.
3. Supervision and Evaluation: Implement a more consistent observation/supervision program to improve awareness and promote professional relationships within each building.
VII. Friday afternoon meeting schedule.
Ms. Egr explained that there needs to be some time scheduled for activity sponsors and coaches to meet to discuss goals, protocol, schedules, etc... She will work with building principals to schedule a meeting time sometime in November and February.
VIII. 2013-14 Parent-Teacher Conferences
Our parent-teacher conferences are scheduled three times throughout the school year. The conferences are scheduled on three Wednesdays from 8:00 to 12, 1:00 to 5:00 and 6:00 to 8:00. This date is in conflict with our agreement with the Ministerial Association to keep Wednesday evenings for possible church activities and services.
Dr. Hoesing will meet with the Ministerial Association and visit with them about this conflict, our desire to work with them on programming throughout the school year. He will update us on this item following a meeting in the near future with the Ministerial Association.