January 8, 2021 at 3:00 PM - District Zoom Meeting: All Staff
Minutes |
I. Meeting Agenda
1. Happy New Year: Thank you for your continued work thoughout first semester. I hope the two week break allowed you a chance to recharge for the beginning of the second semester. Thank you to the staff who worked over break to complete projects in each building, take care of calendar year-end and and new year paperwork, MAKE PAYROLL, and prepare for the beginning of the second semester. 2. COVID-19 Updates a. The Federal Cares Act Legislation ended on December 31st. The emergency medical leave (COVID Leave) ended with this legislation. b. CARES Act 2 was just authorized with the recent passage of the Federal Stimulus Package. We have no guidance at this time on any additional leave allowed under this act. c. The board will continue to provide additional leave (10 days) through the provisions of the emergency medical leave Bank (EMLB) for staff who did not use the "administrative" leave (COVID) in the first semester. d. We hope to have further guidance by January 18-19 as to the need to access additional leave through the EMLB. Contact Penny if you are interested in this option. e. Vaccinations: The school nurses submitted the names of all staff members interested in receiving the vaccinations. Please check with your school nurse if you did not respond or have changed your mind. they may still be able to include you on the list. See attached information. f. Timeline: Our original timeline was to receive vaccinations in January. Due to the slower rollout vaccination schedule, it looks more like the 1B group (educators) will be in February. The nurses will let you know when you are scheduled for your vaccinations. If you pass up this option, you will still be able to get a vaccination with the general population at a later date. 3. January 18-19 PD Schedule: We are finalizing the schedule of workshops for Janary 18-19. New teachers will be scheduled for the final 2 days of APL training. Other staff (admin, teachers, support staff) will be given the oportunity to select workshops of their interest. Thank you in advance to the staff members who are providing workshops over these two days. 4. Strategic Planning: Thank you for your participation in the district-wide thoughtexchange process. The community thoughtexchanges are closed today. We are in the process of organizing top thoughts into themes to be addressed in workhshops on January 18-19. The schedule for these workshops will be finalized and released on Wednesday, January 13th. You will need to register for sessions by the end of the day on Friday so that we can finalize workshop locations depending on interest. 5. Monthly District Meetings: Our regular monthly meetings with Food Service, Maintenance/Custodial, Para Educators and Office Personnel, and SEA are included in the meeting schedule for January 18-19. If you are interesed in attending please register for these sessions.