THANK YOU to the staff involved in hosting and setting up the tech fair today and the professional development schedule and workshops over the next two days.
THANK YOU to the food service for their work in preparing the meals and refreshments during parent-teacher conferences.
THANK YOU to the Foundation and Chamber for the recognition programs. Recognition of 1st Quarter Support Staff, Para Educator, and Teacher.
This afternoon we will be kicking-off the 2022 strategic planning process.
The last two years have changed us and our approach to teaching and learning. While change is hard, many changes experienced over the last two years are here to stay.
Example: Fast food industry changes. More touchless contact, fewer people to people interactions, more take-out, etc....
Disruption is unplanned innovation. When your circumstances change, your behavior is likely to change.
Problem Admiration: We are stuck in focusing on our problems (COVID 19, staff and substitute shortage, masking requirements, etc...)
Celebration: What changes have happened as a result of COVID?
Visioning or hope in the future: Before we can ask you to think about priorities for 2022, we need to make sure we recognize and celebrate accomplishments.
Relationships: Caring for yourself: Deposits and Withdraws: Filling our Tanks: All of us have multiple tanks (social-emotional, relationships, job and family responsibilities, etc... We have intentionally scheduled time in your day for you to work on your deposits (R-Time, Focus) where you don’t expect anything from others. It is your time to listen, build relationships, open doors, fill buckets, etc....
Two things you need to fill your tank:
Sleep (8 hours)
Movement (150 minutes per week)
Do you recognize when your tank is getting empty? Voice: Louder and Pace Quickens Actions: Pace changes, constant chaos can be addicting Perception: Determine your assets,
Nobody wants to be average: a. What is our uniqueness?
b. What is your uniqueness?
c. What things can you control?